Get to know Estill Figure Proficiency trainer, Armelle Bugand.

Current home (city, country): Paris, France

Why do you love Estill Voice Training? Estill Voice has allowed me to understand, discover, and free my voice. I’ve learned to care for my voice just as you would tend to a garden. Thank you, Jo Estill!

Biggest professional challenge: Serving as the Choir Director at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican for a Canonization, performing at UNESCO, and creating a solo show combining singing and ventriloquism centered on the theme of birds.

Favorite vocalist: Catherine Ringer of the Rita Mitsouko group fascinates me with her incredible artistic talent. Even at her age, she remains as lively as ever. She’s a remarkable person, and I’ve been a fan since I was 6 years old.

Favorite book: “L’homme qui rit” by Victor Hugo. It is a philosophical and dramatic novel about a man disfigured and scarred by life. Despite his appearance, this “man who laughs” truly lives—he is alive and possesses a profound emotional intelligence. His handicap should not be seen as a burden, but as a springboard for greater strength.

Person you would most like to have dinner with: Dustin Hoffman. He has always fascinated me with his acting skills and performances.

Hobby: I competed in archery, earning a silver medal in the French Disabled Sports Championship, and of course… singing!

Favorite quote: Difference is the key to existence” (quote found during a demonstration in Paris)

People would be surprised to know: I am very resilient and patient. I believe in the power of courage and perseverance. Yes, we can!