Register with EVI: Step 1

Step 1: Register with EVT to reserve your seat.
Step 2: Pay tuition to instructor through payment link or direct email to course host.

Introductory Workshop

Discover The Secrets Of Estill Voice Training Course ID: 3252
Date: 2024/11/02 to 2024/11/02 (YYYY/MM/DD) Time: 11am - 5pm (UK Time) Cost: £85 Language: English Prerequisites: None
Instructors: Sarah Brickel
Contact: Sarah Brickel | | 07890959344
Course Location:
Online (Zoom)
Online - 11am - 5pm (UK Time) 
Online Zoom
United Kingdom

Notes from your Trainer

Join Sarah as she guides you through this introductory workshop in Estill Voice Training, empowering you to unlock your true vocal abilities. Sarah is an Estill Master Trainer bringing a wealth of experience of over 20 years as a professional singer, vocal coach and educator. 

I look forward to welcoming you into an engaging and practical workshop to discover the secrets of Estill Voice Training and unleash the power of your voice. 

Saturday 2nd November 2024 - Online (Zoom) 11am - 5pm (UK time)

An introduction to Estill Voice Training will give you a clear insight into what Estill Voice Training is and how to start applying it to your practice. Discover the 13 figures for voice control and 6 voice qualities. 

Click the booking link or contact me directly for more info -

Course Description

This Introductory Workshop is designed to answer the question “What is Estill Voice Training®?” Participants will gain insight into the Estill Voice Model, the theoretical foundation of Estill Voice Training®, and begin to understand how we can Feel, See and Hear an unlimited amount of possibilities for our speaking and singing goals.

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Recommended Materials: Introductory Handouts provided by certified Trainer, Estill Voiceprint Plus™

Estill Voiceprint Plus™ is highly recommended for this Workshop. Purchase this software (APP) for MAC or PC at the time of registration and receive 25% off the regular price. (This is a one-time offer at registration only).

A Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon completion of this workshop. This certificate is not a requirement for Trainer Certification in Estill Voice Training®.

Cancellation policies are at the discretion of the course instructor. Refunds or course credit may or may not apply. Refer to the Instructor notes or contact the course instructor for more information.

*Estill Voice Training®, and its parent company Estill Voice International, LLC, has neither an aesthetic nor gender bias and stands for the strengthening of cultural diversity, plurality and inclusion.

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