Registration is closed for this course. Please contact the host for more information.

Special Topic

Course ID: 3277
Date: 2025/01/08 to 2025/01/08 (YYYY/MM/DD) Time: klo 17-19 Cost: 52 € Language: Finnish Special Topic: Belting
Instructors: Jaana Turunen
Contact: Jaana Turunen | | 0505638458
Course Location:
Maestran laulustudio
Raviradantie 6 70100
Kuopio Northern Savo

Notes from your Trainer

Tässä työpajassa tutustutaan mm. musiikkiteatterista ja rockmusiikista käytettyyn belting-laulutyyliin Estill Voice Trainingin näkökulmasta. Suosittelemme Estill-tutustumisworkshopia tai vastaavia tietoja pohjaksi tähän työpajaan osallistumiselle. Työpajaan voi osallistua joko paikan päällä Maestran laulustudiolla (paikkoja kuudelle) tai Zoomin kautta etänä. Koulutuksesta saa pyynnöstä osallistumistodistuksen.

Aika: ke 8.1.2025 klo 17-19

Paikka: Maestran laulustudio, Raviradantie 6, Kuopio, tai Zoom (linkin saa kurssimaksun maksamisen jälkeen).

Kouluttaja: Jaana Turunen, Estill Master Trainer

Hinta: 52 €.  Maksu maksetaan ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä verkkokaupassa.

This workshop introduces belting from the point of view of Estill Voice Training. It is recommended to participate to an EVT Introductory Workshop or a Level One course before this workshop. You can pariticipate to the workshop in location at Kuopio or online via Zoom. 

Course Description

This Special Topic Workshop is designed to make connections from Estill Voice Training® principles and exercises to other voice specialties and professions. This tailored introductory experience may focus on a specific audience or an advanced deeper dive into EVT® for Level 1 & 2 course participants or certification candidates.

  • Prerequisite: See instructor notes above
  • Recommended Materials: See instructor notes above

Estill Voiceprint Plus™ is highly recommended for this Workshop. Purchase this software (APP) for MAC or PC at the time of registration and receive 25% off the regular price. (This is a one-time offer at registration only).

A Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon completion of this workshop. This certificate is not a requirement for Trainer Certification in Estill Voice Training®.

Cancellation policies are at the discretion of the course instructor. Refunds or course credit may or may not apply. Refer to the Instructor notes or contact the course instructor for more information.

*Estill Voice Training®, and its parent company Estill Voice International, LLC, has neither an aesthetic nor gender bias and stands for the strengthening of cultural diversity, plurality and inclusion.

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