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Introductory Workshop
The Jazz Singer's Workshop with EVT Course ID: 3406Date: 2025/02/08 to 2025/02/08 (YYYY/MM/DD) Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm GMT Cost: £150 (active participants) / £60 (observers) / £40 (full-time student observers) Language: English
Instructors: Stefan Holmstrom
Contact: Stefan Holmstrom | | +44 (0)7970 057 660
Course Location:
606 Club
90 Lots Road Chelsea
London England
United Kingdom
Notes from your Trainer
In this relaxed, informal day-long vocal workshop at London's iconic 606 Club you will learn how to make a jazz standard your own while exploring vocal craft, style and stagecraft in a supportive setting. Expert coaching and feedback will be offered by award-winning jazz singer Claire Martin OBE and Estill Master Trainer Stefan Holmström.
The day starts with a trip to The Voice Gym where we will use Estill Voice Training to warm up the voice before we explore different vocal colours and ways to play with structure and form in jazz standards.
Ten active participants will have the opportunity to perform a selected song on stage accompanied by Rob Barron, one of the most in-demand jazz pianists on the UK jazz scene. Rob has played with Al Jareau, Marlena Shaw, Jacqui Dankworth, Stacey Kent, Claire Martin and more and regularly appears with the BBC Big Band and Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Orchestra.
As Valentine’s Day is just around the corner from the workshop, we encourage active participants to pick jazz standards on the theme of LOVE. Bring us your falling in love, your passion and your most painful heart aches!
What you'll get
- A deeper understanding of how your voice actually works, including some vocal anatomy and physiology
- Practical exploration of five Estill Figures for Voice and the Siren in The Voice Gym
- Exploration of two Estill Voice Qualities: Speech and Cry/Sob
- How to extend your range and find "the mix"
- How to use structure and form to make a jazz standard your own
- How to communicate style, structure and form to your band
- Expert feedback and inspiration to move your artistry forward
Saturday 8 February 2025
10:00 am to 4:00 pm GMT
Club 606, 90 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0QD
Who it's for
Active participant places are aimed at intermediate jazz singers and upwards. Observer places are for singers of all levels and anyone interested in learning more about the art of jazz singing or Estill Voice Training.
How to participate
There are two ways to take part:
- Observer: Observers take part in the Estill Voice Gym and group exercises and learn from the feedback that active participants receive during performances and individual coaching.
- Active participant: Like the observers, 10 active participants also take part in the Estill Voice Gym and group exercises. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to perform a jazz standard of their choice. They will receive personal coaching and expert feedback on their singing and performance.
How to register
Please go to
Course Description
This Introductory Workshop is designed to answer the question “What is Estill Voice Training®?” Participants will gain insight into the Estill Voice Model, the theoretical foundation of Estill Voice Training®, and begin to understand how we can Feel, See and Hear an unlimited amount of possibilities for our speaking and singing goals.
- Prerequisite: None
- Recommended Materials: Introductory Handouts provided by certified Trainer, Estill Voiceprint Plus™
Estill Voiceprint Plus™ is highly recommended for this Workshop. Purchase this software (APP) for MAC or PC at the time of registration and receive 25% off the regular price. (This is a one-time offer at registration only).
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon completion of this workshop. This certificate is not a requirement for Trainer Certification in Estill Voice Training®.
Cancellation policies are at the discretion of the course instructor. Refunds or course credit may or may not apply. Refer to the Instructor notes or contact the course instructor for more information.
*Estill Voice Training®, and its parent company Estill Voice International, LLC, has neither an aesthetic nor gender bias and stands for the strengthening of cultural diversity, plurality and inclusion.