An Estill Master Trainer (EMT) is qualified to teach Estill Voice Training® in a private studio, offer one-day public Introductory and Special Topic Workshops, and to lead Practice Groups during and following EVT Courses without direct supervision. Dedicated EFP applicants can prepare for and meet this requirement within three years. EMT status is an impressive achievement and EMTs are encouraged to promote themselves as “Estill Trainers” and to purchase EVT teaching materials for their private students. Any EMT aspiring to become an Estill Mentor and Course Instructor must have several years of experience as an EMT teaching and promoting EVT.
Estill Figure Proficiency:
An EMT applicant must have Estill Figure Proficiency certification and maintain active Trainer Center and Certification Center accounts. The applicant’s name should appear as an EFP in “Find a Trainer” on www.estillvoice.com. If these accounts have been deactivated for non-payment of annual fees, all overdue fees and a re-activation service charge must be paid to restore access.
EVT Level 1 & 2 Course Attendance:
At a minimum, the individual seeking EMT certification must have completed two Level 1 and two Level 2 Courses offered to the public or in academic settings where the complete Estill Voice Training® curriculum was presented (Workbooks, Course Presentation Slides, Research Videos, Training Videos and Estill Voiceprint Plus™) and authorized by a Certificate of Attendance signed by an EMCI. It is strongly suggested that the applicant attend courses taught by different EMCIs.
Scope of Certification:
The EMT is qualified to use Estill Voice Training® in the private studio or office setting and to purchase Course Workbooks and other teaching materials from Estill Voice International for use with students new to EVT. EMTs can independently produce one-day Introductory or Special Topic Workshops using materials provided by EVI and Practice Groups for those who have already taken an EVT Course. The EMT is not permitted to teach public EVT Level 1 & 2 Courses.
EVT Community Participation:
EMTs are welcomed into the EVT Community and expected to adhere to its standards for social and professional behavior as outlined in our Core Values & Practice Standards.
E-Updates (Estill Updates):
The EMT will automatically receive E-Updates from EVI that contain information pertinent to certified members of the EVT Community. EMTs are responsible for making sure the email associated with their My Trainer and Certification Center account is accurate. EMTs should not unsubscribe an email address from E-Updates without providing EVI with a new email address first.
My Trainer Center and Certification Center Access:
The My Trainer Center drop-down menu leads to Resources, sorted by category, with download links for promotional graphics and workshop materials, the Course Operating Manual (with valuable information regarding workshop production), the EMCI Study Guide, and the Trainer Store. In the Certification Center, EMTs can print out their certificates, pay their annual fees, and “Register for EMCI Testing”. Access will continue as long as the EMT remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.
EVT Product Discounts:
The EMT may purchase EVT teaching materials from the Trainer Store, many at a discount. These products may be resold to students.
Listing on EstillVoice.com:
Each EMT is given a page on www.estillvoice.com accessible through the instructor search function. The EMT can control content on this page through the “My Profile” drop-down in My Trainer Center. Display of this page will continue as long as the EMT remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.
Professional Promotion:
Once a person has been certified at any level, they have the right to list that certification in curriculum vitae and promotional biographical descriptions. EMTs are members of the EVT Community who may advertise and promote themselves as private resources for Estill Voice Training®. EVT Logos and Certification Badges are available in the Promotion section of the Trainer Resources in the My Trainer Center in electronic format for use in either print or web-based media. If an EMT has a business/personal website, they must acknowledge EVT Certification on the website and display the EVT Logo with a link back to www.estillvoice.com. Please note: “Estill”, “EVT”, and/or “EVC” (Estill Voice Craft) may not appear in business names, email addresses, nor in website domain names, nor in the titles of social media accounts that function as support or a substitute for a personal or business website.
EVT Promotion:
EMTs are encouraged to be ambassadors for Estill Voice Training® and to partner with EMCIs in generating enrollment for public courses and supporting the ongoing development of course-attendees interested in refining their skills and/or pursuing certification.
EMTs are permitted to lead multi-hour single day Introduction and Special Topic Workshops. EMTs preparing Workshops are required to consult with their EMCI Mentor (or another EMCI if their Mentor is not available) and to use presentation and handout materials available in Promotional Resources in the My Trainer Center. These workshops should be posted to www.estillvoice.com via the Course Posting Form. EMTs are reminded that advanced permission from EVI is required to extract or alter the content and graphics of EVI copyrighted materials.
EMTs are permitted to offer single or recurring Practice Groups for students who have already attended Level 1 & 2 Courses taught by an EMCI. These offerings should also appear on www.estillvoice.com through completion of the Course Posting Form in the My Training Center drop-down menu.
EMTs are permitted to offer coaching services to individuals interested in pursuing an EFP or EMT qualification. Typically, this coaching occurs in coordination with the EMCI or EMCI-TP serving as Mentor. EMTs are not permitted to administer EFP or EMT Voiceprint Testing Protocol exams; an EMCI examiner must personally conduct all exams.
Level 1 & 2 Course at a University:
When an EMT is a faculty member at a school interested in offering the complete Level 1 and/or Level 2 Course curriculum as a part of its ongoing academic offerings, the EMT may apply to EVI for special permission to use materials otherwise available only to EMCIs. Courses must include the following materials published by Estill Voice International, LLC: Course Presentation Slides, Course Workbooks, Research Videos, Practice Videos, and Estill Voiceprint Plus™. Approvals will be made on a case by case basis following consultation with the EMT’s Mentors. Students in these courses will be eligible for Certificates of Attendance only if an EMCI supervises the course. Procedures from the Course Operating Manual in My Trainer Center Course Production Resources should be followed.
Nomination and Voting Privileges:
EMTs can nominate and vote for new members of the EVT Certification Advisory Board. In addition, EMTs are permitted to nominate candidates for the Estill Lifetime Achievement Award (ELAA). Opportunities are communicated through E-Updates.
EVT Certification Advisory Board Eligibility:
EMTs are eligible to serve on the EVT Certification Advisory Board. Nominations are opened and elections held every two years in the month leading up to the Estill World Voice Symposium. Members of the EVT Certification Advisory Board serve four-year terms. Of the six positions on the Board, three are filled in each election. No more than two EMTs can serve on the Board at any time. Notifications appear in E-Updates in advance of the EWVS.
Annual Fees:
The annual fee supports EVI, Resources, and the platforms and staff that maintain the EMT’s accounts in the My Trainer Center and Certification Center. Renewal of the Certification Agreement at time of payment affirms the EMT’s active support of the Estill Voice Training® Community. EMT privileges are withdrawn when active affiliation is not maintained. Only EMTs who actively promote Estill Voice Training® and support the mission of Estill Voice International are eligible to pursue EMCI status.
Certification Term & Continuing Education:
EMTs are required to stay up-to-date with new developments in Estill Voice Training® by attending at least one Estill World Voice Symposium every 6 years following the effective date of certification. Leading Practice Groups on courses is another strategy for staying current. E-Updates will highlight other continuing education opportunities such as regional Summit Meetings, Research Reports, Certification Webinars, online and local workshops on advanced topics, etc. Additional mandatory update activities may be assigned. When there is a mandatory update activity, it will be featured in an E-Update. It is the EMT’s responsibility to make sure that the email associated with the My Trainer and Certification Center accounts is active, to read E-Updates and watch for these announcements. Refer to the E-UPDATE LIBRARY for an archive of Trainer emails. Certification privileges will be withdrawn from EMTs who do not fulfill mandatory continuing education activities.
Obligations to Colleagues and EVI:
Each year when EMTs pay their annual fees, they also renew their Certification Agreement with EVI. This agreement stipulates that the EMT will accurately represent their certification level and respect EVI’s intellectual property rights. In addition, EMTs agree to conform to the EVT Community’s Core Values & Practice Standards for professional conduct and relationships with colleagues. As representatives of Estill Voice Training® in the world, they are further advised to exercise caution in posting content to social media visible to the public that might violate their Certification Agreement.
Overview of all Fees associated with the EMT Process:
All fees payable to EVI and the fee minimums suggested for examiners and observers can be found in the Certification-at-a-Glance.
Testing Registration Fee:
This fee, payable to EVI, registers an individual for the EMT Exams and upgrades their My Trainer and Certification Center accounts.
Coaching Fees:
All coaching fees are payable to the EMCIs and/or EMTs involved. Per EVI policy, these fees should be discussed and agreed upon in advance.
EMT Phase 1 Exam Administration Fee:
Payable to the EMCI-TP who conducts the examination, EVI sets a minimum for these fees. If re-testing is required, additional fees will be charged. EVI requires its EMCI-TPs to communicate their examination & re-examination fees in advance.
EMT Phase 2 Teaching Observation Fees:
Payable to EMCI observers, these fees may vary by region and with observation setting (practice groups in a course, lessons in a private studio, live observation, video observation). All fees should be discussed and agreed upon well in advance.
Annual Fee:
Upon certification, an annual fee is due to EVI. This fee maintains Resources, EMT accounts in the My Trainer Center and Certification Center and supports Estill Voice International in its mission. Each January, the EMT will be invoiced for the upcoming year’s annual fee. Annual fees associated with advancement to a new level of certification during any year will be prorated. If fee payments are more than 30 days past due, accounts will be deactivated and EMT’s page on the website removed. To return to active membership in the EVT Community and restore account access, the EMT will be required to pay all outstanding annual fees and a re-activation service charge.