Science backed. Data driven.
Science backed.
Data driven.
Unlimited Access for just $99.95 USD!
The Power of Diction™ builds upon the principles of the Estill Voice Model, empowering you to control both voice and speech anatomy, acoustics, and perception.
By the end of this course, you will be able to describe the scientific foundations of speech production and identify the anatomy that moves as you speak.
Understand how your choices influence how you are heard.
Develop predict control to meet your personal goals.
Learn the CRAFT of speaking & singing.
Foundations of Estill Voice Training® is a self-directed online course and the start of your journey to vocal empowerment.
Take it by itself, or in conjunction with an Estill Voice Training Level 1 Hybrid course! Estill Voice Training Hybrid Level 1 Courses contains two components: 1) the self-directed Foundations of Estill Voice Training® in the Estill Voice Online Academy and 2) the live online or on location Figures for Voice™ led by a certified EMCI.