Curious about EVT® or need a versatile Estill vocal athlete? An EFP is for you!
1-2 years of study in Estill Voice Training®
Demonstrates basic control of Estill Voice Training® exercises
Example: Could be either a voice expert or a young student
Qualified to answer questions about EVT®, share personal experience
NOT qualified to teach Official EVT® Workshops or Courses, or to train others for certification
Want to dive deeper into EVT® or need a trainer to help you become an Estill vocal athlete? An EMT is for you!
3-5 years of study in the science and concepts in Estill Voice Training®
Demonstrates advanced control of Estill Voice Training® exercises
Equipped to train EVT® exercises and offer EVT® solutions to vocal challenges
Qualified to teach complete EVT® curriculum in the studio and clinic, can offer Official EVT® Workshops, and coach toward certification
Not qualified to offer Official EVT® Level 1 & 2 courses to the public or examine certification candidates
Seeking an official course or to become certified in Estill Voice Training®? An EMCI is for you!
5-10 years of experience as EMT and study in the science, concepts, and application of Estill Voice Training®
Demonstrates expert control of Estill Voice Training® exercises
Certified to teach EVT® courses throughout the world
Mentors other EVT® Trainers and professionals on every aspect of Estill Voice Training®
Qualified to represent and present Official EVT® Courses, workshops, presentations, and mentor and examine candidates for EFP
Only EMCIs with Testing Privileges can mentor and examine higher levels of Estill Certification