Register with EVI: Step 1

Step 1: Register with EVT to reserve your seat.
Step 2: Pay tuition to instructor through payment link or direct email to course host.

Special Topic

Get to know your voice by feeling, hearing and seeing it more clearly with EVT! Course ID: 2952
Date: 2024/06/13 to 2024/06/16 (YYYY/MM/DD) Time: Donnerstag, 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr Freitag, 15 - 18 Uhr Samstag, 15 - 18 Uhr Sonntag, 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr Cost: €450 Language: English Special Topic: Masterclass Prerequisites: Audition via an unedited audio or video recording (cell phone quality is sufficient) of you singing
Instructors: Patrik Thurner
Contact: Nina Ruckhaber | nina@blackforestvoices |
Course Location:
Talvogtei Kirchzarten
Talvogteistr. 12 
79199 Kirchzarten Baden-Württemberg

Course Description

Estill Voiceprint Plus™ is highly recommended for this practice group. Purchase this software (APP) for MAC or PC at the time of registration and receive 25% off the regular price. (This is a one-time offer at registration only).

A Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon completion of this workshop. This certificate is not a requirement for Trainer Certification in Estill Voice Training®.

Cancellation policies are at the discretion of the course instructor. Refunds or course credit may or may not apply. Refer to the course description or contact the course instructor for more information.

*Estill Voice Training®, and its parent company Estill Voice International, LLC, has neither an aesthetic nor gender bias and stands for the strengthening of cultural diversity, plurality and inclusion.

Get to know your voice by feeling, hearing and seeing it more clearly! with Patrik Thurner

In this Masterclass we will have more time to go deeper into the Estill Voice Training Model and look at more tools (Craft) that it has to offer. We will work on your repertoire according to your artistic vision (Artistry) and look at how you can create Performance Magic. We will be looking into some theory of singing, body and acoustic feedback which lends itself perfectly for a group learning environment. And with some new vocal freedom and flexibility we want to dive into how you can authentically sing and interpret pop songs and jazz tunes on stage.

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