Upcoming Courses
EMT: 2012
Christian Petersén is a singing teacher and freelance artist. Following four years of studies at Gothenburg University to be a vocal coach and music teacher, he soon found a position (2001) teaching future musicians and music teachers at Billströmska Folk high School, Tjörn. As a freelance singer, Christian is experienced in working with many different genres whether it be in solo performances, with small groups or large choirs. He has been teaching singing teacher collegues in municipal cultural schools and groups with students / teachers at academy of music. So if you and your collegues want an Estill-introduction, Christian more than happy will help you! In his capacity as a freelance voice coach he also has focused on troubleshooting for choirs. He first learned of the EVT in 2004 and has since continuously been taking Estill courses from Helga Westmark och Dorthe Hyldstrup.