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Born in Born in The Netherlands, 1959, Hanny van Lankeren went to Amsterdam to study Biology at the Free University. As a student, she sang in the VU Chamber Choir, the Netherlands Student Choir and the New Music Choir. During a traineeship in Perth, Australia, she took singing lessons with Molly McGurk and performed with the Gilbert and Sullivan’s Society. After obtaining her MSc, Hanny studied Classical Singing with Grethe de Vink at the Groningen Conservatory in The Netherlands. Having obtained her MA, she went to Berlin to study Belcanto with Renate Faltin. During the nineties Hanny was a teacher in Musical Theatre and Choral Singing at the Amateur Theatre School of Amsterdam. Since her first course with Jo Estill in 1999, Hanny has always been fascinated with EVT. In 2001 she moved to Wageningen where she started her own teaching studio, ‘Zingen Zien en Horen’. Being a scientist as well as a singer, Hanny takes a special interest in Acoustics and Voice Analysis. Currently Hanny is involved in the research and training of female tenors in amateur choirs. www.femaletenors.com Publications: Hanny van Lankeren. Voice characteristics of amateur female tenors are comparable with those of male tenors. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2010, Vol. 35: 51–58. http://www.zingenzienenhoren.nl/docs/FemaleTenors2010.pdf Hanny van Lankeren and Alberto ter Doest. “Einführung in Estill Voice training (EVT) mit Figuren, Video und Voiceprint”. Beitrag an die Dokumentation 2010: pag. 17-26. Singen und Lehren zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Bundersverband Deutscher Gesangspädagogen. http://www.zingenzienenhoren.nl/docs/BeitragworkshopBDG2010.pdf