Upcoming Courses

2025/05/03 - Level 2 Course Language: Italian
Location: Online Location: Online, Italy

2025/04/05 - Hybrid Level 1 Course Language: Italian
Location: Online Location: Online, Italy

2025/03/15 - Level 2 Course Language: Italian
Location: Location: Trieste, Italy

2025/03/01 - Hybrid Level 1 Course Language: Spanish
Location: Online Location: Live Online, Spain

2025/02/15 - Hybrid Level 1 Course Language: Italian
Location: Online Location: Online, Italy

Saorin Martinez
Alejandro Saorin Martinez
EMT: 2007
EMCI: 2009

Specialties: Singing
Languages: Italian, Spanish, Spanish

Alejandro holds a conservatory degree for Choral Conducting and Didactic of Music from the Conservatory in Buenos Aires, and attended the Italian Music University of Bologna and investigated choral renaissance harmony. At the moment he is Conductor of True Voice Singers, Coristi per Caso, Coro Multietnico di Voci Banche città di Padova, Teen Voices. He is latin music singer and pop music singing teacher. Introduced EVT to the Conservatory Pollini of Padova and has been teaching the technique there from 2006 to 2009. Teaches music at Santa Dorotea Primary School in Padova. As a skilled EVT teacher he has often presented at meetings: Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, March 2000; Accademia della Canzone San Remo 2001; National Interdisciplinar Conference La Voce Artistica, Ravenna 2003, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013; Seminaries at University La Sapienza Roma, Faculty of Musicology, 2004, 2005, 2006; First and Second Italian EVT Symposium, 2008, 2011; Since 2008 he coordinates the equipe of scientific research on Voice "Gruppo di Studio Multidisciplinare sulla Voce Artistica" (Dott. F. Fussi; Dott. F. De Rosas; Dott. Antonella Calbrese).

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