The information that follows is to correct publication errata in the 1st edition of The Estill Voice Model: Theory and Translation (2017).
Ordered by appearance in the text. Last updated 15 May 2017.
Chapter 2
- Page 7, Paragraph 2: Brahms lied should read “Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer“.
Chapter 8
- Page 108, Image 8-7: Correct spelling of first subtitle to “Thyroid tilts anteriorly”
Chapter 9
- Page 118, Image 9-3: Label for “Oblique thyroarytenoid m.” should be corrected to “Superior thyroarytenoid m.“
Chapter 10
- Page 131, Image 10-6: Labels for “Levator veli palatini” and “Tensor veli palatini” should be reversed.
Chapter 12
- Page 159, Image 12-5: Labels for “Levator veli palatini” and “Tensor veli palatini” should be reversed.
Chapter 13
- Page 173, Image 13-7: Label for “Middle pharyngeal constrictor m.” should be corrected to “Superior pharyngeal constrictor m.“
- Page 175, paragraph 1 (in blue box): First sentence should start “The Back Jaw option was discovered…”
- Page 223: Entry should read “Arytenoid cartilages“.