Jo Estill, creator of Estill Voice Training®, believed that “everyone has a beautiful voice” and that this beauty can be revealed when we understand the moving parts of the voice and how to control them. The central mission of Estill Voice International, LLC, is to make effective voice training accessible to everyone by supporting the members of its Estill Voice Training® Community. We are all empowered by our knowledge of Estill Voice Training® to become agents of change in our students’ lives and agents of a paradigm shift in vocal pedagogy. Holding any level of certification in Estill Voice Training® is both an achievement and a privilege.

All Trainers and those training for certification are responsible for the information in the Certification Manual below. When pursuing certification at any level, make sure that you have the most recent edition. Trainers will be notified by email when significant changes are made. Clarifications and edits may be made without notice. The website version found below is the most up to date version.

Certification Manual 5.2.1 FAQs

  • Introduction

    Estill Voice International, LLC (EVI), was founded to:

    • Produce teaching materials and course curricula that are true to the principles and spirit of the Estill Voice Model;
    • Ensure that those who promote themselves as teachers of Estill Voice Training® are qualified and up-to-date with revisions in response to new research.

    EVI maintains a rigorous Certification Program with the support of its Certification Advisory Board (CAB). The value of certification through EVI is enhanced by the rigor of its standards. Certification supports consistent quality and expertise in the delivery of Estill Voice Training® concepts and exercises throughout the world, thus protecting the integrity of this unique system.

    Estill Voice International, LLC, offers three levels of certification.

    1) Estill Figure Proficiency (EFP) is an individual achievement earned by demonstrating the basic options for voice control taught in Level 1 & 2 Courses in Estill Voice Training®.

    2) Estill Master Trainer (EMT) must prove that they can teach and train individuals in the basic principles of Estill Voice Training® and all of its Figures and Qualities.

    3) Estill Mentor and Course Instructor (EMCI) presents public courses in Estill Voice Training® and commits to “teaching the teachers”, playing a vital role in the certification process as coach, examiner, and mentor. Since public courses are attended by participants with wide-ranging interests and challenging questions, the EMCI must have a deep understanding of the anatomy, physiology, acoustics, and research that led to the development of the Estill Voice Model. EMCIs must credibly demonstrate how the Figures in Estill Voice Training® can be applied by performers, teachers, and clinicians working with the voice.

    EFPs, EMTs and EMCIs are privileged to represent Estill Voice Training® in the world. In return for this privilege, they agree to adhere to the Core Values & Practice Standards of the Estill Voice Training® Community.

  • Acknowledgment

    Estill Voice International, LLC gratefully acknowledges the guidance of the Estill Certification Advisory Board (CAB) in the preparation, editing, and ongoing clarifications of the Certification Manual, Version 5.2. Both previous and current CAB members listed below contributed to the changes in terminology and procedural updates in this version.

    Certification Advisory Board, 2022 - 2025

    Tom Burke, EMCI-TP

    Steven Chicurel-Stein, EMCI-ATP

    Sasha Divain, EMT

    Naomi Eyers, EMCI-ATP and past President

    Francesco Mecorio, EMCI-TP and current President

    Alizia Romero, EMCI

    Stefanie Rummel, EMCI

    Gillian MacLaren Scott, EMCI-TP

    Leon Trayman, EMCI

    Jaana Turunen, EMT and past Secretary

    Brian Winnie, EMCI-TP

    Estill Voice International, LLC

    Kimberly Steinhauer, President, EMCI-SD-ATP

    Corinne Mager, Director of Certification & Courses, EMCI-TP

    Luke Steinhauer, Director of Operations & Development, EMT

    Susana Raposo, Marketing and Administrative Support, EFP

    Alona Kononchuk, Administrative Support, EFP

    Mary McDonald Klimek, Creative Consultant & Founding Partner, EMCI-SD-ATP


    All Trainers and those training for certification are responsible for the information in this manual.  When pursuing certification at any level, make sure that you have the most recent edition. Trainers will be notified by email when significant changes are made.

  • Core Values & Practice Standards


    Every Trainer, at any level, is considered to be certified by Estill Voice International, LLC (EVI) and are members of the Estill Voice Training® (EVT) Community.   Only persons contracted as staff members for EVI are permitted to claim in writing and all forms of advertising that they work for EVI.  As certified members of the EVT Community, we support the guiding principles of Estill Voice Training®:

    • Everyone has a beautiful voice.
    • We have no aesthetic bias so long as vocal health is maintained.
    • Voice training is best accomplished when the disciplines of Craft, Artistry and Performance Magic are separated.
    • We honor the personal vocal goals of our students and clients.

    As individuals move through the levels of certification in EVT, they are required to work with multiple Estill Mentor and Course Instructors (EMCIs). When we attend courses or work with different EMCIs, we encounter new perspectives on “Craft” and gain a deeper understanding of the Estill Voice Model. As EFPs, EMTs, and EMCIs, we are lifelong learners, gaining new perspectives each time we teach and observe. EMCIs have proven their skills in the “Artistry” of applying Figure solutions to the challenges in vocal health, performance, and pedagogy. There is “Magic” in the multi-faceted ways we learn from one another when our minds remain open to encountering the Estill Voice Model as presented in the hands and voices of our colleagues.


    When we enter the process of EVT certification, we bring with us the concepts and exercises we have encountered in the past. Many of us come with formal credentials in other pedagogical, therapeutic, or body-work disciplines. EVI & the EVT Community respect the good intentions of our peer associations and methodologies and impose no loyalty or exclusivity agreements on those who hold certification in EVT. However, EVT lessons, classes, workshops, or courses should be presented this free of confounding influences. Any information outside of the Estill Voice Model drawn into an EVT presentation should be kept to a minimum and clearly identified and attributed to its source.

    The following standards reflect the core value that we will treat our students and professional peers as we would like to be treated ourselves.

    In regard to Respect, we will:

    • Provide services to our students, clients, and mentorees without consideration of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, disability, or national origin.
    • Create a safe learning and work environment for our students, mentorees and colleagues by maintaining professional decorum with patterns of speech and behavior free of any words or actions that might be interpreted as harassment, disrespect, or threats to an individual’s rights, physical, and mental boundaries.
    • Protect the privacy and confidentiality of all who seek vocal training from us, whether in private or course settings, obtaining informed consent prior to use of an individual’s name, face, or audio/video recording in any public forum including social media.
    • Accept our Estill colleagues as professional associates without prejudice as to the conditions of their certification (date, time, country, or mentor), nor their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, disability, or national origin.
    • Maintain a professional demeanor when speaking or writing about our EVT Community and non-EVT Community colleagues, especially when engaging in professional activities, conferences, or participating in social media contexts where a negative or disparaging comment might misrepresent the EVT Community or be thought of as a position held by Estill Voice International, LLC.

    In regard to Fairness, we will:

    • Clearly represent our level of certification and work with individuals and groups within the privilege boundaries of that level.
    • Exercise care in making predictive statements regarding the process and potential outcome of services rendered, so that goals and expectations are realistic and attainable.
    • Teach Estill Voice Training® free of confusion from other pedagogical or body-work approaches when individuals approach us specifically for Estill Voice Training® instruction.
    • Discuss fees and financial arrangements prior to service provision, in a professional manner without hesitation or equivocation.
    • Freely recommend our Estill Community colleagues to our students/clients, based on our personal experience of their skills as teachers of Estill Voice Training®, refraining from judgments based on the opinions of others.

    In regard to Peer Relationships, we will:

    • Promote the services of Estill Community colleagues when we are unable to take advantage of professional opportunities.
    • Communicate openly with EVT colleagues when approached by students or mentorees wishing to transition from one certified Trainer to another so that the transition is handled with transparency and sensitivity.
    • Freely and directly approach our EVT Community colleagues with any questions or concerns, be they our own or those brought to us by others, to better understand local practices, clear up misunderstandings, and avoid the spread of gossip and rumor.
    • Demonstrate respect for our EVT Community colleagues by charging fees for lessons, courses, and certification activities that are comparable with local economic standards. We will not unfairly compete with our colleagues in the EVT Community whether we are at home or traveling into a new region.
  • Certification Letter of Agreement

    Certification in Estill Voice Training® (EVT) is a privilege that comes with an obligation to demonstrate professional and interpersonal behaviors that reflect well upon the entire EVT Community. Every year that you maintain active affiliation with Estill Voice International, LLC, you will be required to confirm and renew this Certification Agreement.

    Entry of your electronic signature in the Certification Center upon initial certification and again each January will signify a binding agreement to:

    • Treat students, EVT Community colleagues, and professional peers from all pedagogical traditions with respect, fairness, and collegiality.
    • Accurately represent your certification level and abide by its conditions and limitations in all professional and promotional activities.
    • Promote yourself as a member of the Estill Voice Training® Community only for so long as you maintain active affiliation with Estill Voice International, LLC, through continuing education activities determined by your certification level and renewal of this agreement with payment of annual fees.
    • Protect the intellectual property rights of Estill Voice International, LLC, (EVI) by 1) recognizing that the information and materials including but not limited to books, papers, pamphlets, notes, video and audio files, software programs, presentation visuals, knowledge, experience and expertise that comprise Estill Voice Training® are copyrighted and proprietary, and 2) never reproducing EVI’s intellectual property in any format without first obtaining written permission from Estill Voice International.
    • Accept that the intellectual property rights of EVI extend beyond the termination of your certification relationship with EVI and the EVT Community and that you may not re-package Estill Voice Training® concepts into new teaching products after leaving the EVT Community.
  • Infractions


    An infraction of the Certification or Course Agreement ranges from misuse of the Trainer logos and badges to more serious infractions such as plagiarism and violations of Estill Voice International copyright. If a Trainer or candidate is found in breach of the Certification or Course Registration Agreements, EVI will determine the type of infraction and assess the severity. Depending on the severity, the mentoring EMCI, Certification Advisory Board (CAB) President, and/or CAB  may be recruited for assistance and guidance.

    Types of Infractions

    Accidental - infractions of guidelines and procedures deemed to have occurred without intent (malicious or otherwise).

    Intentional - infractions of guidelines and procedures deemed to have occurred with the intention to harm EVI, or an individual within the EVT community. These infractions are conscious, deliberate actions taken to intentionally cause hurt or harm in some way.

    Negligence - infractions occurring due to a lack of action or activity may be deemed as negligence. Negligence may be further categorized as either accidental or intentional.

    Claims of ignorance of procedures may fall under any of these categories and are not considered permissible reasons for infractions.

    Severity of Infractions

    EVI, once informed of any suspected infraction, will review each case individually and without bias.  The severity of the circumstance will be taken into account before any action or consequence is conferred to the Trainer or candidate in question.  

    Levels of Severity

    1. Low - Infraction requires immediate Education/Consultation;
    2. Medium - Infraction requires immediate Suspension of account and all trainer privileges, followed by Education/Consultation, and then a reinstatement plan;
    3. High - Infraction requires immediate Expulsion without option for reinstatement.
  • Product Development

    Partnership with EVI & Beta Testing:

    Trainers are encouraged to partner with EVI in the development of new products and may be given opportunities to contribute to product definition and design during the beta testing period prior to public release of teaching materials and products. Development of any new product incorporating EVT must be proposed to EVI prior to production (writing, recording, publishing, sharing etc.). Email formal proposal including description, outline, marketing plan, and timeline to

  • Invitations to Conferences

    Presentations at Conferences and Symposia:

    Experienced Trainers are encouraged to present on EVT topics and applications at scientific and professional conferences. When doing so, consultation with EVI, EVT colleagues and Mentors is advised. Trainers who present at conferences are representatives of the EVT Community and are expected to uphold our Core Values & Practice Standards as well as conduct themselves in a professional manner for the duration of the event.

    Assistance in planning and graphic support is available. Presentations should include the most up to date graphics, logos and information. Estill certification level and depth of EVT experience must be communicated clearly on title slides and during introductory remarks. Royalty and graphics preparation fees for use of EVI intellectual property may apply, particularly when printed materials are distributed to conference participants.

    Trainers presenting in professional conferences or meetings on non-EVT topics should acknowledge the role Estill Voice Training® has played in their development as a voice professional and are permitted and strongly encouraged to display their Estill credentials as well as their badge and the EVT logo. Trainers are not permitted to display the Estill Voice International logo.

    As a courtesy, EVI requests notification of Estill-related presentations at conferences so that these events can be announced on the website and promoted through EVI’s social media platforms. Refer to the Course Operating Manual for guidelines on official EVT Workshops during Conferences.

  • Retirement/ Resignation/ Reinstatement


    If a Trainer decides to retire from their professional career and simultaneously retire as an EVT Trainer in good standing with EVI, the Trainer must contact EVI at The retired Trainer’s listing will remain visible to the public on the EVT website; however, the Trainer account will be inactive. Nominations for Emeritus Status must be submitted within 30 days of the retirement notification. Apply for Emeritus status here: Emeritus application


    If a Trainer decides to permanently resign from all Trainer benefits and renounce their status as an EVT Trainer, the Trainer must contact EVI at The resignation will result in loss of Trainer privileges, immediate removal from the EVT website, and the Trainer account will be labeled as inactive.


    If an individual fails to activate their new level of certification or wants to re-activate certification following less than 3 years of inactivity, reinstatement of their active Trainer status requires a Reinstatement fee payment for account re-activation. Reinstatement fees for less than 3 years of inactivity for 2024 are as follows:

    EFP 160 USD; EMT 355 USD ; EMCI 750 USD

    If an individual fails to activate their new level of certification or wants to re-activate certification following 3 or more years of inactivity, reinstatement of their Trainer status requires payment of the Reinstatement fee plus any fees associated with required updates, testing and reviews. The applicant must submit the most recent Estill Voiceprint Plus Exam Protocol for their specific Certification level. Further updating and training requirements may apply. EVI will assess reinstatement cases on an individual basis in coordination with the applicant and their current Mentor to determine if further reinstatement activities are required. Training and examiner fees will apply.

  • Estill Certification Advisory Board (CAB)

    The Estill Certification Advisory Board (CAB) provides guidance to the Estill Voice Training community with Estill Voice International to support the certification process in adherence with Core Values & Certification Practice Standards. The CAB is comprised of 6 Certified Trainers in good standing who hold EMT or EMCI Certification. A minimum of 4 seats on the CAB are reserved for EMCIs. Members serve 4-year terms and are nominated and voted on by the EVT Trainer Community. Questions regarding any aspect of this process or practice can be brought to or directly to the CAB at

    Election & Terms of Service

    Elections are held every two years in the month leading up to the Estill World Voice Symposium (EWVS). EFPs, EMTs, and EMCIs are eligible to nominate and vote for the 3 positions that must be filled each election year. Elected members serve 4-year terms beginning in August of the EWVS year. Board members must step down at the end of their term and become eligible for re-nomination after two years. All Board members must comply with the terms and duties outlined in the Certification Manual.


    • Attend Meetings: At least 4 regular online meetings are scheduled during each year. The expectation is that all members will attend. Absence of even one member seriously compromises the Board’s effectiveness. For this reason, if a member is absent without notification from 2 consecutive meetings, that member will be deemed to have resigned. The Board has the discretion to restore membership if circumstances justify such action. Two representatives from EVI are in attendance at every meeting.
    • Communication: Throughout the yearly operations of EVI, matters are brought to the Board’s attention that cannot wait for the next formal meeting. In such instances, it is necessary for the Board to deliberate electronically. Timeliness is vital to the Board’s effectiveness. Board members are expected to acknowledge receipt of all electronic communications within 48 hours and provide a specific time frame for their considered response to any matter under Board consideration.
    • Oversee Certification Policies and Practices: Contribute, review, and approve Certification standards and related processes. Reinforce solutions that promote the EVT Core Values and Certification Practice Standards.
    • Confirm and Confer Awards and Honors: Select the ELAA award recipients from nominees. Confirm the honors of Service Distinction and Emeritus status from nominations.
    • EMCI-C Application Review Committee: Once the CAB is notified by EVI of a new EMCI-C Application Portfolio, EVI will request that EMCIs on the CAB serve as members on EMCI-C Application Review Committees before reaching out to the general population of EMCIs. Each EMCI on the CAB must serve on at least 1 Application Review Committee during their 4-year term.
    • Privacy: Any information communicated by the Board either verbally or electronically, in formal meetings or in e-mail threads, is considered strictly confidential, due to the personal and proprietary nature of the information exchanged.

    Nomination Process

    • Eligibility: All active EFPs, EMTs, and EMCIs are eligible to nominate and there is no limit on the number of nominations that may be submitted.
    • Time Frame: Dates of this process will be announced via EVI E-Update, posted on the EVT Community Extranet, and may appear on other web pages and/or documents related to the election. Nominations will open 60 days before elections and close 30 days later.
    • Notification & Acceptance: Once the nomination is received and eligibility verified by EVI, the prospective nominee will be notified by e-mail. Prospective nominees must accept or decline nomination within 1 week of e-mail notification from EVI. Acceptance of a nomination serves as confirmation that the nominee has read and agreed to the terms and duties set forth in the Certification Manual.

    Election Process

    • Elections: Elections are held every two years in the weeks leading up to the Estill World Symposium.
    • Balloting: All EMTs and EMCIs in good standing who have accepted nomination will appear on the ballot.
    • Voting Process: Votes will be cast electronically.
    • Voting Restrictions: Individuals may only vote once.
    • Results: Results will be announced at the Estill World Voice Symposium.
    • Vacancy: The Board may vote to fill the vacancy of a member unable to complete a term. The Board may also vote, by a super majority, to vacate the seat of an inactive member.


    • Elections: Elections for President and Secretary of the CAB are held at the first CAB meeting after election of new board members. (usually the EWVS meeting)
    • Terms: President and Secretary of the CAB each serve two year terms unless special circumstances do not permit them to serve complete terms.  In this case, new officer elections will be held to fulfill the remaining term of the outgoing board member.
  • Honors & Awards

    The following Honors & Awards are conferred by EVI & the CAB:

    Service Distinction

    This is an honor that recognizes outstanding contributions and achievements of those within the Estill Voice Training® Community. It can be awarded to EMTs and EMCIs and may be conferred with special privileges. EFPs, EMTs and EMCIs in good standing may submit a nomination to EVI and the CAB. Nominations will be reviewed and awarded on a quarterly basis. Upon receipt of this honor, Trainers gain access to a new EMT or EMCI badge recognizing their Service Distinction honor. This badge and new title may appear in all Trainer promotional activities.

    • Nominations submitted by January 15 will be processed no later than February 28.
    • Nominations submitted by April 15 will be processed no later than May 31.
    • Nominations submitted by July 15 will be processed no later than August 31.
    • Nominations submitted by October 15 will be processed no later than November 30.

    Estill Lifetime Achievement Award

    The Estill Lifetime Achievement Award (ELAA) recognizes outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of voice. Candidates for this award have served as role models and have devoted their careers to the advancement of voice research, therapy, performance, and/or voice education. Candidates may or may not be a certified Trainer. These individuals have inspired others where voice is concerned. ELAA recipients have been leaders in the voice profession and have promoted an ideology where the needs and goals of others are met with an open mind and without aesthetic bias. They have embraced the mission of Estill Voice Training® – to bring quality voice training into all regions of the world. This award is presented at the Estill World Voice Symposium (EWVS). The CAB selects the recipient/s from nominations submitted by EFPs, EMTs, and EMCIs in the months preceding the EWVS.

    Emeritus Status

    Emeritus Status is awarded by EVI and the CAB to outstanding Trainers within the EVT Community who have retired from actively teaching and training with EVT. The Trainer’s listing on will reflect this status and remain visible in their honor. Apply for Emeritus Status or nominate someone here. Nominations must be submitted in the same month of retirement from EVT certification.

  • Estill Figure Proficiency (EFP) Certification


    Estill Figure Proficiency (EFP) is a demonstration of personal skill in Craft. To earn this certificate, individuals must develop voice motor control of the Figure exercises in Estill Voice Training® Level 1 & 2 Courses. Dedicated applicants are able to prepare for and meet this requirement within a year.

    Because the EFP is based on personal performance of the Estill Figures, these individuals are considered basic Trainers in the EVT community and may promote themselves as an EFP in printed materials, websites and social media platforms. EFPs are expected to integrate Figure & Quality exercises into their private voice studios, speech therapy practice, classrooms and performances. The privilege to teach official EVT workshops and courses is reserved for EMTs and EMCIs. EFP is the first step toward these other levels of certification.


    The EFP process can begin after an individual has completed official Level 1 & 2 Courses in Estill Voice Training® as confirmed by a Certificate of Attendance signed by an EMCI. This requirement is most easily met by attending one of the public courses taught by an EMCI listed on The following options could also meet this course prerequisite requirement:

    • Authorized courses taught in academic settings not listed on
      • Courses must have an EVI assigned course approval number.
      • Courses must present the complete EVT curriculum with teaching and presentation materials published by Estill Voice International, LLC, including the Course Workbooks, Course Presentation Slides, Research Videos, Practice Videos, and Estill Voiceprint Plus™ .
      • Courses must be taught by an EMCI or an EMT with EVI authorization supervised by an EMCI who vouches for the teaching quality and whose name appears on the Certificate of Attendance.
    • Private study of EVT Level 1 & 2 Courses with an EMCI
      • Private teaching must include the purchase of the Workbooks, complete EVT curriculum and the EMCI must give the student a letter verifying that all appropriate conditions have been met unless the EMCI has created a private course listing for a certificate of attendance . (Private study with an EMT does not meet this requirement.)

    Preparation for Testing

    Download the EFP STUDY GUIDE

    1) Gain proficiency in EVT Figure Options & Hand Signal Demonstrations:

    Proficiency is gained through focused deliberate practice of the Figures for Voice Control™ in both Level 1 & 2 Courses. Note that it may be necessary to work through these courses more than once and/or to receive private tutoring from an EMT or EMCI to develop true proficiency in Figure Options and Hand Signal demonstrations. Per EVI policy, all coaching fees payable to EMTs and EMCIs should be clearly communicated well in advance. The EFP applicant is required to purchase and use Estill Voiceprint Plus™ while preparing for the examination.

    2) Find an EMCI Mentor:

    Although an individual preparing for EFP testing might prepare by studying with many members of the EVT Community, they are required to find an EMCI who is willing to act as primary Mentor for progress tracking in the Estill Voice International Certification Center. Any EMCI in good standing may serve as a Mentor for individuals preparing to qualify as EFPs.

    3) Register for EFP Testing:

    Once a Mentor has been found, the individual working toward EFP must create an account in the Certification Center. Selecting “Sign Up” will take the applicant through the process of registering for EFP Testing. A form will appear to collect personal contact, EMCI Mentor, and billing information. Payment completes the “Sign Up” process; another fee will be charged when testing is successfully completed. All certification fees and guidelines are reported in the EVT Certification-at-a-Glance.

    This Certification Center “Sign Up” and EFP Testing Registration Fee payment support accounts in both the Certification Center and the EVT My Trainer Center. Both accounts use the same username and password and are accessed from the top of

    The Certification Center contains a “Progress Tracker” page. Both applicant and Mentor have access to the information on this page. Once the applicant is registered for the exam, their “Testing Progress” will show “Registered”.

    The My Trainer Center drop-down menu includes “My Profile” with a form for updating contact information, username and password, and privacy controls. My Trainer Center also leads to “Resources” with access to documents and videos that may be helpful in preparing for testing. As certification status changes, new resources become available.

    4) Schedule the EFP Voiceprint Protocol with Hand Signal Examination:

    The EMCI Mentor must log into their Certification Center and find the applicant in their “My Testing Center” page. The EMCI schedules the exam by changing the applicant’s “Testing Progress” to “Pending Exam” and entering a date into the “Exam Schedule Date” field and clicking “Save Changes”. Typically, the EMCI Mentor administers the Estill Voiceprint Plus™ EFP Testing Protocol Exam; however, any other EMCI may be engaged to do so. In such cases, the EMCI Examiner must communicate testing results to the EMCI Mentor.

    EFP Examination Fees

    Examination fees are payable to the EMCI who conducts the examination. EVI sets a minimum for examination fees. These minimum amounts are reported in the Certification-at-a-Glance. If re-testing is required, additional fees will be applied. Specific fees associated with the EMCI Examiner’s time should be clearly communicated prior to testing.

    EFP Examination Administration

    Standard Testing Conditions:

    The EMCI conducting the examination must be in a quiet room with the EFP applicant. The EFP applicant may consult notes but may not watch the Estill Voiceprint screen during testing. The EMCI is solely responsible for making recordings and managing the inventories of the testing protocol files.

    Remote Testing Conditions:

    Following special guidelines from EVI, an EMCI can administer this exam over the internet via video conferencing when the logistics of face-to-face testing are prohibitive. High quality video and audio connections are assumed; someone other than the EFP Applicant, a Proctor, must manage the Estill Voiceprint Plus™ program as the examiner observes. The inventory of the exam recorded in the room by the Proctor will be used as the basis for the examiner’s assessment. See further Remote Testing Guidelines for special circumstance allowances.

    Testing Procedures:

    EFP candidates will be asked to record all 26 of the tasks in the EFP Voiceprint Protocol on pitches of their choice while using Hand Signals. Pitches may vary from task to task and quality scales may ascend or descend. The Estill Siren must be performed over a 1.5 octave range and may ascend or descend. Examinees are given all the time they need to complete 3 trials of each task. A well-prepared applicant can complete the entire EFP Voiceprint Protocol with Hand Signals in 1-2 hours.

    Passing Criteria:

    The examining EMCI will use visual and auditory judgments to evaluate the applicant’s success in demonstrating the options in each task. To pass a given task an acceptable production of Figure Options with appropriate Hand Signals must be recorded within 3 trials.


    If the applicant is unable to pass all of the tasks in the EFP Voiceprint Protocol with Hand Signals in the first testing session, additional sessions may be scheduled. When the exam is not passed in its entirety, only those elements that were not acceptable need to be repeated. The applicant may have up to 2 extra examination sessions within the year following the first examination date to pass the EFP Protocol. If formal testing is not successfully completed within a year, the applicant must retake the entire EFP Protocol as if they were a new applicant. Per EVI policy, testing fees associated with the EMCI’s time and scoring of repeat examinations should be clearly communicated prior to testing.

    Finalizing Successful Completion

    After successful completion of the EFP exam, the EMCI Mentor must log in to their Certification Center and change the applicant’s testing status in their “My Testing Center”. The Mentor must change the “Testing Progress” to “Complete” and check-mark the box “Passed” under Voiceprint Exam Status and then click on “Save Changes”. Notes and reminders may also be recorded in the “Exam Notes” field. Only EMCI Mentors have access to the applicant’s progress tracker. In cases where the examiner and Mentor are not the same person, the examiner must notify the Mentor as soon as possible of exam completion. The EMCI Mentor and applicant can then complete the process as follows:

    1) Review Scope of Certification:

    Once the EFP examination has been successfully completed, the EMCI Mentor and new EFP will review the Scope of EFP Certification, the schedule of annual Renewal Dues, and review the Core Values & Practice Standards.

    2) Complete New Certification Registration and EFP Account Activation:

    After the EMCI Mentor saves the changes to the applicant’s “Progress Tracker”, the applicant must sign into their own Certification Center account and activate their EFP Certification. Activation of their new EFP Certification requires the new EFP to indicate acceptance of terms in the Certification Letter of Agreement and to pay their EFP Registration/Activation Fee. (Current fees can be found in the latest version of the Certification-at-a-Glance.) Annual EFP Renewal Dues are to be paid each January following EFP Activation in order to remain in good standing.

    Completion of the steps above update the Certification Center and My Trainer Center accounts and activate the EFP listing in the Find a Trainer directory on EFP recipients can print EFP Certificates from their home page in the Certification Center. The EFP must go to “My Profile” in the “My Trainer Center” to edit contact information and to reset the privacy policies at the bottom of the form to control the information appearing to the public in the EFP Directory. Access will continue so long as the EFP remains in good standing and active within the EVT Community by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual subscription fee each year.


    Scope of Certification:

    Individuals with EFP certification are encouraged to integrate Estill Voice Training® in their private studios, clinics, and classrooms. EFPs are encouraged to share personal experience with EVT with their students and clients and promote regional events and offerings held by EMT and EMCI colleagues. EFPs are not permitted to teach official EVT Workshops or Courses.

    EVT Community Participation:

    EFPs are welcomed as members of the EVT Trainer Community and expected to adhere to its standards for social and professional behavior as outlined in our Core Values & Practice Standards.

    E-Updates (Estill Trainer Email Updates):

    The EFP will automatically receive E-Updates from EVI that contain information and invitations pertinent to certified members of the EVT Community. EFPs are responsible for making sure the email associated with their My Trainer Center and Certification Center account is accurate. EFPs should not unsubscribe an email address from E-Updates without providing EVI with a new email address first.

    Certification Center and My Trainer Center Access:

    Individuals who have earned the EFP can access the Certification Center to print certificates, pay annual fees, and “Register for EMT Examinations”. Resources in the My Trainer Center include documents and videos to support preparation for EMT examinations. Access to both accounts will continue so long as the EFP remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee each January.

    Professional Promotion:

    Individuals with EFP certification are permitted to report this accomplishment in curriculum vitae and promotional biographical descriptions. Use of the EFP graphic “Badge” is permitted in print and other media when placed in context of professional development and earned qualifications. Please note: “Estill”, “EVT”, and/or “EVC” (Estill Voice Craft) may not appear in business names, email addresses, nor in website domain names or titles of social media accounts that function as a substitute for a personal or business website. Click for more Social Media Guidelines.

    Listing on

    EFPs are listed in the “Find a Trainer” directory on The EFP recipient can edit this listing and/or reset the privacy policies that support the listing through their My Trainer Center account at any time by visiting “My Profile”, entering edits and saving changes. This information appears so long as the EFP remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International, LLC by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee each January.

    Nomination and Voting Privileges:

    EFPs can nominate and vote for new members of the EVT Certification Advisory Board. In addition, EFPs are permitted to nominate candidates for Service Distinction and the Estill Lifetime Achievement Award (ELAA). Opportunities are communicated through E-Updates.


    Annual Fees (Renewal Dues):

    The EFP annual fee supports the growth and future of Estill Voice Training® and maintains EFP accounts in the My Trainer and Certification Center. Renewal of the Certification Agreement at time of payment affirms the EFP’s active support of the Estill Voice Training® Community. Only EFPs who promote Estill Voice Training® and support the mission of Estill Voice International are eligible to pursue EMT status. EFP privileges are withdrawn when active affiliation is not maintained. If fee payments are more than 30 days past due, accounts will be deactivated and listing on the website removed. To return to active membership in the EVT Community and restore account access, the EFP will be required to pay all outstanding annual fees and a re-activation fee. See Retirement/Resignation/Reinstatement for more details.

    Continuing Education:

    EFPs are encouraged to stay up-to-date with new developments in Estill Voice Training® and complete any on-boarding or continuing education requirements provided by EVI. EFPs are encouraged to attend Estill World Voice Symposiums (EWVS), regional Summit Meetings, online updates, etc. EFPs are responsible for making sure that the email associated with their My Trainer and Certification Center account is accurate and active so that they can receive notification via E-Update should there be a change in the continuing education policy.

    Obligations to Colleagues and EVI:

    Each year when EFPs pay their annual fees, they renew their Certification Agreement with EVI. This agreement stipulates that the EFP will accurately represent their certification level and respect EVI’s intellectual property rights. In addition, EFPs will agree to conform to the EVT Community’s Core Values & Practice Standards for professional conduct and relationships with colleagues. As representatives of the Estill Voice Training® Community in the world, they are further advised to exercise caution in posting content to social media visible to the public that might violate their Certification Agreement.

    Overview of Fees associated with the EFP Process

    Current Fees are listed in the Certification Center and within the Certification-at-a-Glance.

    EFP Exam Fee:

    This fee, payable to EVI at the time of “sign-up” and exam registration, registers an individual’s intention to be examined for EFP and establishes their My Trainer Center and Certification Center accounts.

    Training Fees:

    These fees are paid directly to any EMCI or EMT involved. Per EVI policy, these fees should be discussed and agreed upon in advance.

    Examination Administration Fees:

    Examination fees are paid directly to the EMCI who conducts the examination and may vary by region. Minimum amounts are set by the Certification Advisory Board (CAB). Fees for a proctor and translator may apply and will also vary by region. If re-testing is required, additional fees will be applied. EVI requires that all EMCIs communicate their specific fees in advance of testing.

    EFP Account Activation Fee:

    Upon completion of the EFP Exam, the EMCI Mentor updates the EFP Candidate’s Certification Center account. The Candidate must complete the EFP process by registering their EFP in the Certification Center and paying the Account Activation fee. The Candidate is now recognized as a Trainer in the EVT community, on the EVT website, and gains access to resources in the My Trainer Center. The new EFP can print out their EFP Trainer Certificate and begin advertising themselves as an EFP with the EFP badge and EVT logos. The new EFP will receive Trainer Updates and invitations to Trainer exclusive events.

    Annual Certification Fee (Renewal Dues):

    EFP Renewal Dues are to be paid each January regardless of the month the Trainer completed their EFP Certification. This fee maintains EFP accounts in the My Trainer Center and Certification Center and supports Estill Voice International in its mission. Annual fees associated with advancement to a new level of certification during any year will be prorated.

  • Estill Master Trainer (EMT) Certification


    An Estill Master Trainer (EMT) is qualified to teach Estill Voice Training® in a private studio, offer one-day public Introductory and Special Topic Workshops, and to lead Practice Groups during and following EVT Courses without direct supervision. Dedicated EFP applicants can prepare for and meet this requirement within three years. EMT status is an impressive achievement and EMTs are encouraged to promote themselves as “Estill Trainers” and to purchase EVT teaching materials for their private students. Any EMT aspiring to become an Estill Mentor and Course Instructor must have several years of experience as an EMT teaching and promoting EVT.


    Estill Figure Proficiency:

    An EMT applicant must have Estill Figure Proficiency certification and maintain active Trainer Center and Certification Center accounts. The applicant’s name should appear as an EFP in “Find a Trainer” on If these accounts have been deactivated for non-payment of annual fees, all overdue fees and a re-activation service charge must be paid to restore access.

    EVT Level 1 & 2 Course Attendance:

    At a minimum, the individual seeking EMT certification must have completed two Level 1 and two Level 2 Courses offered to the public or in academic settings where the complete Estill Voice Training® curriculum was presented (Workbooks, Course Presentation Slides, Research Videos, Training Videos and Estill Voiceprint Plus™) and authorized by a Certificate of Attendance signed by an EMCI. It is strongly suggested that the applicant attend courses taught by different EMCIs.


    Scope of Certification:

    The EMT is qualified to use Estill Voice Training® in the private studio or office setting and to purchase Course Workbooks and other teaching materials from Estill Voice International for use with students new to EVT. EMTs can independently produce one-day Introductory or Special Topic Workshops using materials provided by EVI and Practice Groups for those who have already taken an EVT Course. The EMT is not permitted to teach public EVT Level 1 & 2 Courses.

    EVT Community Participation:

    EMTs are welcomed into the EVT Community and expected to adhere to its standards for social and professional behavior as outlined in our Core Values & Practice Standards.

    E-Updates (Estill Updates):

    The EMT will automatically receive E-Updates from EVI that contain information pertinent to certified members of the EVT Community. EMTs are responsible for making sure the email associated with their My Trainer and Certification Center account is accurate. EMTs should not unsubscribe an email address from E-Updates without providing EVI with a new email address first.

    My Trainer Center and Certification Center Access:

    The My Trainer Center drop-down menu leads to Resources, sorted by category, with download links for promotional graphics and workshop materials, the Course Operating Manual (with valuable information regarding workshop production), the EMCI Study Guide, and the Trainer Store. In the Certification Center, EMTs can print out their certificates, pay their annual fees, and “Register for EMCI Testing”. Access will continue as long as the EMT remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.

    EVT Product Discounts:

    The EMT may purchase EVT teaching materials from the Trainer Store, many at a discount. These products may be resold to students.

    Listing on

    Each EMT is given a page on accessible through the instructor search function. The EMT can control content on this page through the “My Profile” drop-down in My Trainer Center. Display of this page will continue as long as the EMT remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.

    Professional Promotion:

    Once a person has been certified at any level, they have the right to list that certification in curriculum vitae and promotional biographical descriptions. EMTs are members of the EVT Community who may advertise and promote themselves as private resources for Estill Voice Training®. EVT Logos and Certification Badges are available in the Promotion section of the Trainer Resources in the My Trainer Center in electronic format for use in either print or web-based media. If an EMT has a business/personal website, they must acknowledge EVT Certification on the website and display the EVT Logo with a link back to Please note: “Estill”, “EVT”, and/or “EVC” (Estill Voice Craft) may not appear in business names, email addresses, nor in website domain names, nor in the titles of social media accounts that function as support or a substitute for a personal or business website.

    EVT Promotion:


    EMTs are encouraged to be ambassadors for Estill Voice Training® and to partner with EMCIs in generating enrollment for public courses and supporting the ongoing development of course-attendees interested in refining their skills and/or pursuing certification.

    EMTs are permitted to lead multi-hour single day Introduction and Special Topic Workshops. EMTs preparing Workshops are required to consult with their EMCI Mentor (or another EMCI if their Mentor is not available) and to use presentation and handout materials available in Promotional Resources in the My Trainer Center. These workshops should be posted to via the Course Posting Form. EMTs are reminded that advanced permission from EVI is required to extract or alter the content and graphics of EVI copyrighted materials.

    EMTs are permitted to offer single or recurring Practice Groups for students who have already attended Level 1 & 2 Courses taught by an EMCI. These offerings should also appear on through completion of the Course Posting Form in the My Training Center drop-down menu.

    EMTs are permitted to offer coaching services to individuals interested in pursuing an EFP or EMT qualification. Typically, this coaching occurs in coordination with the EMCI or EMCI-TP serving as Mentor. EMTs are not permitted to administer EFP or EMT Voiceprint Testing Protocol exams; an EMCI examiner must personally conduct all exams.

    Level 1 & 2 Course at a University:

    When an EMT is a faculty member at a school interested in offering the complete Level 1 and/or Level 2 Course curriculum as a part of its ongoing academic offerings, the EMT may apply to EVI for special permission to use materials otherwise available only to EMCIs. Courses must include the following materials published by Estill Voice International, LLC: Course Presentation Slides, Course Workbooks, Research Videos, Practice Videos, and Estill Voiceprint Plus™. Approvals will be made on a case by case basis following consultation with the EMT’s Mentors. Students in these courses will be eligible for Certificates of Attendance only if an EMCI supervises the course. Procedures from the Course Operating Manual in My Trainer Center Course Production Resources should be followed.

    Nomination and Voting Privileges:

    EMTs can nominate and vote for new members of the EVT Certification Advisory Board. In addition, EMTs are permitted to nominate candidates for the Estill Lifetime Achievement Award (ELAA). Opportunities are communicated through E-Updates.

    EVT Certification Advisory Board Eligibility:

    EMTs are eligible to serve on the EVT Certification Advisory Board. Nominations are opened and elections held every two years in the month leading up to the Estill World Voice Symposium. Members of the EVT Certification Advisory Board serve four-year terms. Of the six positions on the Board, three are filled in each election. No more than two EMTs can serve on the Board at any time. Notifications appear in E-Updates in advance of the EWVS.


    Annual Fees:

    The annual fee supports EVI, Resources, and the platforms and staff that maintain the EMT’s accounts in the My Trainer Center and Certification Center. Renewal of the Certification Agreement at time of payment affirms the EMT’s active support of the Estill Voice Training® Community. EMT privileges are withdrawn when active affiliation is not maintained. Only EMTs who actively promote Estill Voice Training® and support the mission of Estill Voice International are eligible to pursue EMCI status.

    Certification Term & Continuing Education:

    EMTs are required to stay up-to-date with new developments in Estill Voice Training® by attending at least one Estill World Voice Symposium every 6 years following the effective date of certification. Leading Practice Groups on courses is another strategy for staying current. E-Updates will highlight other continuing education opportunities such as regional Summit Meetings, Research Reports, Certification Webinars, online and local workshops on advanced topics, etc. Additional mandatory update activities may be assigned. When there is a mandatory update activity, it will be featured in an E-Update. It is the EMT’s responsibility to make sure that the email associated with the My Trainer and Certification Center accounts is active, to read E-Updates and watch for these announcements. Refer to the E-UPDATE LIBRARY for an archive of Trainer emails. Certification privileges will be withdrawn from EMTs who do not fulfill mandatory continuing education activities.

    Obligations to Colleagues and EVI:

    Each year when EMTs pay their annual fees, they also renew their Certification Agreement with EVI. This agreement stipulates that the EMT will accurately represent their certification level and respect EVI’s intellectual property rights. In addition, EMTs agree to conform to the EVT Community’s Core Values & Practice Standards for professional conduct and relationships with colleagues. As representatives of Estill Voice Training® in the world, they are further advised to exercise caution in posting content to social media visible to the public that might violate their Certification Agreement.

    Overview of all Fees associated with the EMT Process:

    All fees payable to EVI and the fee minimums suggested for examiners and observers can be found in the Certification-at-a-Glance.

    Testing Registration Fee:

    This fee, payable to EVI, registers an individual for the EMT Exams and upgrades their My Trainer and Certification Center accounts.

    Coaching Fees:

    All coaching fees are payable to the EMCIs and/or EMTs involved. Per EVI policy, these fees should be discussed and agreed upon in advance.

    EMT Phase 1 Exam Administration Fee:

    Payable to the EMCI-TP who conducts the examination, EVI sets a minimum for these fees. If re-testing is required, additional fees will be charged. EVI requires its EMCI-TPs to communicate their examination & re-examination fees in advance.

    EMT Phase 2 Teaching Observation Fees:

    Payable to EMCI observers, these fees may vary by region and with observation setting (practice groups in a course, lessons in a private studio, live observation, video observation). All fees should be discussed and agreed upon well in advance.

    Annual Fee:

    Upon certification, an annual fee is due to EVI. This fee maintains Resources, EMT accounts in the My Trainer Center and Certification Center and supports Estill Voice International in its mission. Each January, the EMT will be invoiced for the upcoming year’s annual fee. Annual fees associated with advancement to a new level of certification during any year will be prorated. If fee payments are more than 30 days past due, accounts will be deactivated and EMT’s page on the website removed. To return to active membership in the EVT Community and restore account access, the EMT will be required to pay all outstanding annual fees and a re-activation service charge.

  • EMT Phase 1 Exams

    There are two testing components in Phase 1:

    (1) the EMT Voiceprint Protocol with Hand Signals;

    (2) the EMT Written and Audio/Figure Demonstration Exam.

    The EMT Estill Voiceprint Plus™ Protocol is a more challenging version of the EFP protocol. A fixed low and high pitch (octave apart) along with simultaneous performance of Hand Signals is required during this protocol. The EMT Written Exam is administered in the Estill Voice Online Academy and is an Estill Voice Training knowledge-based exam including single choice, multiple choice and identification questions. Questions are drawn from the Level 1 & 2 Workbooks and course content. The Audio/Figure Demonstration Examination contains listening samples for analysis and common problem solving and two Figure Exercises to be demonstrated with Estill Voiceprint Plus™. Once Phase 1 exams have been passed, the EFP becomes an EMT-Candidate (EMT-C).

    Preparation for Phase 1 Exams


    Gain Proficiency in demonstrating and explaining EVT Concepts, Figures, Qualities and Hand Signals:

    EMTs must be able to convincingly demonstrate the Figure Exercises for Voice Control™ from Level 1 (with Hand Signals) and the Quality Exercises for the Six Voice Qualities™ from Level 2. They must also be able to answer basic questions pertaining to the anatomy, physiology, and acoustics of the human voice in general and Estill Voice Training® in particular. Study and practice outside the context of EVT Level 1 & 2 Courses will be necessary. Options for further study include participation in Practice Groups, Certification Training Workshops, independent reading, and/or private tutoring from the EMCI-TP Mentor or other EMTs and EMCIs. It is strongly suggested that applicants schedule Voiceprint coaching sessions with their Examiner prior to testing. All coaching fees should be agreed upon in advance.

    Purchase Estill Voiceprint Plus™ (EVPP):

    The EMT applicant must purchase EVPP if they have not already done so. All EMTs are expected to be competent in the operation of this program and to understand its value in motor training.

    Find an EMCI-Testing Privileges (TP) Mentor:

    Although an EFP pursuing certification as an EMT may work with many members of the EVT Community in the process of achieving certification, they are required to find a single EMCI-TP or ATP who is willing to serve as the designated Mentor and primary contact for registration and progress tracking in the Estill Certification Center. The EMCI Mentor may also only have Provisional TP Certification.

    Register for EMT Testing:

    The EFP seeking to become an EMT should complete this step in advance of examination by logging into the Certification Center and selecting “Register for EMT Testing”. A form will appear to collect EMCI-TP Mentor and billing information. Payment of the Testing Registration Fee completes this process. The current EMT Testing Registration Fee is reported in the Certification-at-a-Glance. Payment of the Testing Registration Fee creates a new “Progress Tracker” visible from both the applicant’s and Mentor’s Certification Center home pages.

    Schedule Phase 1 EMT Exams:

    The Voiceprint Plus EMT Protocol with Hand Signals and the Audio/Figure Demonstration Exams may be scheduled with an EMCI with Testing Privileges (EMCI-TP) or an EMCI with provisional Testing Privileges under the supervision of their EMCI-ATP Mentor. These exams may be administered as soon as the Testing Registration Fee has been paid in the Certification Center.

    To schedule the Phase 1 Written Exam in the Estill Voice Online Academy, the candidate must complete the Testing Registration Fee in the Certification Center and create an Online Academy account. Once the candidate and Mentor agree upon a testing date, the Mentor must communicate the date, exact time (including timezone), and language of the exam to EVI at This must be completed at least 7 days in advance of the testing date.  The EMCI-TP Mentor should add all testing dates to the candidate's progress tracker in the Certification Center via the Mentor's “My Testing Center” page. EVI will enroll the candidate into the written exam in the Online Academy. If the examiner is not the Mentor, the examiner must communicate both the exam date and exam results to the EMCI-TP Mentor.

    EMT Phase 1 Exam Fees:

    Exam fees are payable to the EMCI who conducts the exams. EVI sets a minimum for exam fees. These minimum amounts are reported in the Certification-at-a-Glance. If re-testing is required, additional fees will be charged. EVI requires its EMCI-TPs to communicate their examination & re-examination fees in advance.

    EMT Phase 1 Exam Administration

    Standard Testing Conditions:

    Both exams must be conducted in a quiet room free of distractions. During the Voiceprint with Hand Signal Exam, the EMT applicant may consult coaching notes but may not watch the Estill Voiceprint screen. During the Written exam and Figure Demonstration Exams, access to notes or devices is not allowed. The Examiner will supply copies of the Figures to be demonstrated. Typical administration time for the EMT Phase 1 Formal Examinations is half a day. Either exam can come first.

    Remote Testing Conditions:

    With special training from EVI an EMCI can administer this exam over the internet via video conferencing when the logistics and expense of face-to-face testing are prohibitive. High quality video and audio internet connections are assumed; someone other than the EFP Applicant must manage the Estill Voiceprint Plus™ program while the examiner observes. A second person must also proctor the Written and Figure Demonstration Exam. The proctor must open the sealed Written Exam envelope, remain in the room during the exam, and seal and return the exam once it has been completed. The proctor must also maintain internet contact with the examiner while the exam is being written for any questions that might arise, and to facilitate video conferencing and screen-sharing for the Figure Demonstration with EVPP. Proctor fees should also be agreed upon in advance of remote testing. See REMOTE TESTING GUIDELINES for more details.

    EMT Voiceprint & Hand Signal Exam Administration:

    The EMT applicant will be asked to record 57 tasks in the EMT Voiceprint Protocol with Hand Signals. 46 of these tasks must be performed on or between the same two pitches an octave apart, chosen in advance. Nearly all tasks require abrupt changes of condition without pauses in between. Quality octave scales may ascend or descend. 30 second examples of each quality (song or monologue) are also a part of this exam. A well-prepared candidate can complete the entire EMT Voiceprint Protocol with Hand Signals within 2 hours. The examining EMCI-TP must watch the applicant as the protocol is recorded and use both auditory and visual judgments – of both the applicant and the EVPP screen – to evaluate the applicant’s success in demonstrating each task and Hand Signal. An acceptable production of each task must be recorded within 3 trials to score as a pass. If the applicant is unable to pass the EMT Voiceprint/Hand Signal Exam in the initial testing session, a re-examination will be offered.

    EMT Written and Audio/Figure Demonstration Exam Administration:

    This examination tests the applicant’s knowledge of information presented in Level 1 & 2 Courses, Course Workbooks, Certification Manual, 5.2, as well as their ability to demonstrate the steps of every Figure, solve common problems heard in audio samples, and operate Estill Voiceprint Plus™. To pass, the applicant must be able to identify and describe aspects of:

    • the relevant anatomy and physiology for all of the Figures and Qualities
    • the obligations, rights and privileges of EMT Certification
    • the acoustic analysis displays in Estill Voiceprint Plus™
    • EVT approaches to common voice problems

    A well-prepared candidate typically completes the EMT Written, Audio/Figure Demonstration Exam in 1-3 hours. Each component of the phase 1 exams must be presented in its entirety in the first testing session. The three components may be presented in separate testing sessions. The applicant's combined score  must be 90% or higher to pass this exam. If the applicant is unable to pass this comprehensive exam, see re-examination policies below.

    Re-examination Policies:

    If the applicant is unable to pass all tasks within the EMT Voiceprint Protocol with Hand Signals during this initial testing session, repeat testing sessions will be offered. Only those elements that were not acceptable need to be repeated.

    If the applicant is unable to pass the Written and Audio/Figure Demonstration Exam, re-testing will be offered as follows:

    1. When performance in both written and demonstration questions of the exam fails to meet passing standards, the entire exam will be re-administered with new questions and Figures.
    2. If performance in either the written or demonstration questions meets passing standards, re-testing can be offered at a later date for the portion of the exam that was not passed with new written questions or new Figures to be demonstrated.

    Phase 1 Time Limit:

    If Phase 1 testing is not successfully completed within a year, the certification applicant must re-sit all components: the Written, Audio/Figure Demonstration, and EMT Voiceprint Protocol as if they were a new applicant.

    Completion of Phase 1 & EMT Candidate Status

    The EMCI-TP Mentor reports successful completion of EMT Phase 1 Exams in their “My Testing Center”. This action upgrades the EFP’s status to EMT-Candidate (EMT-C). The Certification Center database will automatically update the progress tracking forms to an observation tracking grid that will appear on the EMT-C’s “Progress Tracker”, in the EMCI-TP Mentor’s “My Testing Center”, and in the “Certification Candidate Directory” visible to all EMCIs. There are no Certification Center fees associated with this upgrade.

  • EMT Phase 2 Observations


    EMT-Candidates must be observed effectively teaching the principles and content of Estill Voice Training® and all Figures and Voice Qualities. A portion of these observations must be in the context of leading Practice Groups in Level 1 & 2 courses. Teaching sessions must be observed by at least two EMCIs, both of whom must pass portions of the observations. Ideally the first observer will be the EMCI-TP Mentor.

    The Phase 2 assessment of teaching proficiency requires that the EMT-Candidate be observed successfully teaching 26 elements of the EVT curriculum to authentic students of EVT: students encountering EVT for the first time or at the earliest stages of their work with EVT. A portion of these observations must occur in the context of Level 1 & 2 Courses open to the public where the EMT-C is expected to observe and lead Practice Groups. At least two EMCIs must observe the EMT-C and report passing observations in the Certification Center database. EMCIs of any level are qualified to observe EMT-Cs. Phase 2 observations continue until the candidate has passed all 26 elements and concepts required. Only one pass per element is required to complete this requirement; however, EMT-Cs may require more than one observation to earn a pass. The time required to complete Phase 2 Observations depends on many variables. Phase 2 Observations must be completed within 2 years of completing Phase 1 Examinations. Under special circumstances the EMT-C may request an extension of Phase 2 in writing, with a cc to their Mentor, at

    Requirements and Expectations


    Whether on location, online, or via video recording, every teaching observation session should include the following:

    • Introduction/Review of the Options and the Figure or Quality Exercise
    • Group Practice
    • Individualized Practice
    • Hand Signals
    • Estill Voiceprint Plus™
    • Reinforcement of EVT terminology including Effort, Power-Source-Filter, Pitch, Attractor State

    EMT-Cs are expected to reinforce EVT concepts by creating opportunities for students to answer open-ended questions regarding what is being felt, seen or heard. EMT-Cs are expected to provide productive feedback as they lead each student to their next step in skill acquisition. EMT-Cs should demonstrate their ability to address different learning styles by also incorporating the Make & Move Larynx, Figures in a Flash, endoscopy videos, Level 1 & 2 Workbook illustrations, and anatomy texts and/or models as available. The EMT-C must be observed teaching both high and low pitched students. When leading Course Practice Groups, the EMT-C’s ability to manage time is also evaluated. EMCI Observers should be consulted prior to observation for additional expectations.

    Course Practice Group Leader Observation Requirement:

    A minimum of 6 of the 18 observation elements from Level 1 and 3 of the 8 elements from Level 2 must be passed while the EMT-C is leading Practice Groups within the context of an on-location or online Level 1 & 2 Course presented by an EMCI. Observations in a certification workshop do not meet the Practice Group Leader Observation requirement.

    Additional Observer Requirement:

    At a minimum, passing observations on 4 Figures and 2 Qualities must be recorded by an EMCI or combination of EMCIs other than the primary Mentor.

    Private Observations:

    Live and video observation sessions (online or on-location) of private teaching to individuals or groups is permitted. These private teaching sessions should use students who represent a similar “mix” to students found in a course: different genders, ages, interests, and skill levels. A single student cannot be used for an entire series of private teaching observations. A varied group of students could appear in more than one teaching session. Any questions regarding student selection should be brought to the EMCI observer prior to the session. EMT-Cs are reminded that general expectations apply to private observations and must be met to earn a pass.

    Conditions for Video Observation Submissions:

    • Mentors must be informed of every Observation Video and the EMCI to whom the video is sent;
    • Passed videos of a teaching observation from a course or private session may not be resubmitted to another EMCI to meet the additional observer requirement
    • If a video does not “pass” it may not be submitted to another EMCI

    Videos can be rejected if:

    • General audio and video quality are poor,
    • Set-up and camera placement do not provide a good view and audio of teaching activities
    • Students are not authentic newcomers to EVT according to the observer’s judgment or do not represent an appropriate “mix”

    Requirement for Passing Phase 2 Observations:

    Only one pass per element is required to pass Phase 2; however, EMT-Cs may require more than one passing observation for some elements to meet Practice Group and Additional Observer requirements. Observation credit for the non-Figure elements of Effort, Power, Pitch, and Attractor States is earned by incorporating and reinforcing the EVT Principles that are associated with each of them from session to session. Observers must document inclusion of principles associated with these non-Figure elements at least 4 times. Observation Credit for Vocal Fold Plane will be earned in the Practice Group following its presentation in the course.

    Observation Fees and Expenses:

    Whether an EMT-C leads a Practice Group on an EVI-approved course or submits videos for rating, observation fees will be charged. These fees are determined by individual EMCIs (not EVI) and may vary by region. The EMT-C and observing EMCI should discuss and agree upon all observation fees in advance. When leading a Practice Group on a course, the EMT-C will be responsible for all travel, lodging, and meal expenses.

    Preparation for Phase 2

    If the EMT-Candidate is new to teaching, observations of EMCIs and EMTs in classrooms/studios and Practice Groups are strongly suggested. Even when EMT-Cs are accomplished teachers, they are advised to practice implementing EVT vocabulary, concepts, Estill Voiceprint Plus™, and training principles in advance of being observed for credit toward the Phase 2 requirements.

    The EMCI-TP Mentor remains a guide through this process and can point the way to the Progress Tracker in the Certification Center and Certification Resources in the My Trainer Center (e.g. Course Practice Group Guidelines, EMT Observation Packet, Hand Signal videos, etc.).

    EMT-Cs are permitted to purchase the Estill Voice Training® Level 1 & 2 Course Instruction Manual through their Mentor. In the event the Mentor is unable to order the materials for the candidate, the Mentor may send a request on behalf of the candidate to Audrey Reilly at The Course Instruction Manual contains valuable advice for those interested in teaching Estill Voice Training®. Careful review of its teaching notes and familiarity with the Research Videos included with purchase are recommended but not required.

    The EMT-C is expected to use Estill Voiceprint Plus™ during teaching observations and must be familiar with its operation. Estill Voiceprint Plus™ is a valuable aid for ear-training, contains recordings of high and low pitch examples, and provides visual and instant-replay aural feedback and knowledge of results.

    Practice teaching for coaching purposes prior to Phase 2 Observations is highly recommended. The EMT-C should be aware that these activities are preparatory and do not apply toward observation requirements. Videos of practice teaching are one mechanism for obtaining feedback and advice in advance of formal observations; participation in Certification Workshops where participants exchange constructive feedback would be another. All coaching fees should be agreed upon in advance.

    Phase 2 Administration

    Scheduling Observations:

    The EMT-C is required to arrange observations with a minimum of 2 EMCIs. It is suggested that the EMCI Mentor be the first observer. Success in finding a place on a course production team to meet the Practice Group Observation requirement is subject to the size of the course, the number of EMTs and EMT-Cs already signed on, and the general willingness of the EMCI presenter to take on the additional supervision of EMT-Cs. EMT-Cs accepted as part of the course production team will have the opportunity to sit in on every Practice Group; they are not guaranteed the opportunity to lead every Practice Group.

    The EMT Observation Packet: 

    This document is available in the Certification Resources in the My Trainer Center. It contains guidelines and samples of the forms used to document an EMT-C’s progress through Phase 2. Descriptions of these forms appear in sections to follow.

    Evaluation & Pass Criteria:

    The teaching of each concept, Figure, and Quality will be evaluated using the following ratings: below expectations, meets expectations, or exceeds expectations. Ratings for Accuracy, Connection, and Effectiveness during introduction/review, group, and individual coaching must all “meet” or “exceed” expectations to “pass” as competent to teach the concept, Figure, or Quality. EMT-Cs may have to repeat elements to earn a passing rating. Standards are high and Practice Group routines will vary from EMCI to EMCI. The EMT-C is responsible for checking in with EMCI Observers in advance to become familiar with preferred routines.

    Documentation of Progress:

    Progress through Phase 2 Teaching Observations is tracked by observation forms and entries into the Certification Center Progress Tracker. Although the ultimate completion of this process is electronic, the EMT-C is required to save paper and/or scanned copies for verification and back-up.

    Feedback Forms:

    EMCIs must complete a Feedback Form for every Phase 2 Observation session. These forms are available in Certification Resources from the My Trainer Center drop-down menu. EMT-Cs must sign each form to indicate that they have met with their observer and understand its comments and results. Feedback Forms must be completed within one week of the observation date; however, when observations occur during courses, more timely feedback must be provided so that corrections and improvements can be made in subsequent Practice Groups. Copies of all Feedback Forms must be sent to the EMCI-TP Mentor by either the EMCI or EMT-C. It is the EMT-Cs responsibility to confirm receipt. EMT-Cs must also save and securely store copies of Feedback Forms from every observation, making them available to EVI upon request.

    Observation Transcript:

    This form maintains the EMT-C’s record of ALL observations during Phase 2. This form should be scanned and sent to observing EMCIs in advance of course or video observations. EMT-Cs should bring a print-out of this form to courses so that all observing EMCIs can report results. The EMCI will initial and indicate the setting, date, and results of each set of observations. In the case of video observations, the EMCI will complete the form and scan a copy back to the EMT-C. It is the EMT-C’s responsibility to save updated copies of this form.

    Certification Center Progress Tracker:

    Successful (“passed”) observations are also tracked in the Certification Center. This grid appears in three places: the EMT-C’s “My Progress Tracker”, the EMCI-TP’s “My Testing Center”, and the “Certification Candidate Directory” visible to all EMCIs. Observing EMCIs must record passing observations in the tracking grid within one week of Feedback review with EMT-C. Following observations, the EMT-C should confirm that the passes have been registered by consulting their “My Progress Tracker”. Note: One EMCI observer can over-write a “pass” from other EMCI in interest of seeing the EMT-C meet their Course Practice Group or Additional Observer Requirements. This is why both the EMT-C and the EMCI-TP Mentor must maintain access to the Transcript that contains the comprehensive record of all observations.

    Finalizing Successful Completion

    The EMCI-TP Mentor is the only person who has access to the check box that verifies successful completion of Phase 2. In some cases, this will involve coordination between the EMT-C, the final EMCI Observer and the EMCI-TP Mentor. The EMT-C and EMCI-TP Mentor must complete the following procedures within 30 days of the final observation.

    1) Verify Successful Completion of Phase 2 Teaching Observations:

    The EMT-C must provide the EMCI-TP Mentor with a copy of the completed Observation Transcript so that the EMCI-TP Mentor can confirm that successful observations are recorded for all 26 elements; and that the Additional Observer and Course Practice Group observation requirements have been met.

    2) Review Scope of Certification:

    Once the EMCI-TP confirms completion of all requirements, Mentor and new EMT will review the Scope of Practice/Certification including new Resources and Workshop/Practice Group privileges.

    3) Complete EMT Registration:

    The EMCI-TP Mentor checks the box reporting that all requirements have been met in the Certification Center from their “My Testing Center”. This step makes changes in the new EMT’s Certification Center account.

    When the newly passed EMT signs into the Certification Center, the home page will display a prompt to upgrade certification status. The new EMT will be asked to indicate acceptance of terms in the Certification Letter of Agreement and to pay a pro-rated EMT annual fee. (Current fees can be found in the Certification Center and in the latest version of the Certification-at-a-Glance).

    Completion of the EMT registration process updates the Certification Center and My Trainer Center accounts once again, updating the EMT’s personal page on EMTs can print EMT Certificates from their home page in the Certification Center. The EMT must go to “My Profile” in My Trainer Center to edit contact information, add biographical notes, add an image (.gif or .jpg, sized for web), and to set the privacy policies at the bottom of the form to control the contact information appearing to the public. Access will continue so long as the EMT remains active within the EVT Community by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.

  • Estill Mentor & Course Instructor (EMCI) Certification


    An Estill Mentor and Course Instructor (EMCI) demonstrates a commitment to mentoring the next generation of EVT professionals and an ability to present the complete Estill Voice Training® curriculum in courses open to the public.

    As Mentors, EMCIs must be prepared to “teach the trainers”. EMCIs share in Estill Voice International’s vision and mission by supporting their students in the development of personal mastery of Estill Voice Training® concepts and Figures through EFP qualification and by guiding potential EMTs and EMCIs through successful completion of their personal goals to share EVT with others. EMCIs play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the certification program and representing the EVT Community’s Core Values in the world.

    In the course setting, EMCIs must have command of the Estill Voice Model and the anatomic, physiologic, and acoustic principles that are its foundation. EMCIs must also be prepared to answer questions relating to voice research, vocal health, and comparisons with other approaches used to teach voice. They are also expected to demonstrate how skills developed through Estill Voice Training® Figures, its “Craft”, apply to personal and professional voice goals of a group of course participants with wide ranging interests and skills.

    At a minimum, Estill Master Trainers with interest in becoming EMCIs must be active in EVT course promotion and production and have professional experience in performance, academic, clinical, or corporate applications of Estill Voice Training®. Cross-over familiarity with the domains of music, drama, pedagogy, and vocal health are assumed. The EMT with interest in applying for EMCI certification should discuss this plan with the EMCIs who participated in their EMT qualifying process (Mentor and observers) and any other EMCIs on whose courses they have worked as EMT Practice Group leaders. These EMCIs can provide supportive feedback in regard to the applicant’s level of knowledge and preparation.

    Prerequisites & Expectations

    Estill Master Trainer Status:

    An applicant for EMCI certification must be an EMT with active My Trainer Center and Certification Center accounts. The applicant’s name should appear as an EMT in “Find a Trainer” on If these accounts have been deactivated for non-payment of annual fees, all overdue fees and a re-activation service charge must be paid to restore access.

    Course Practice Group Experience:

    The EMT considering becoming an EMCI must have led Practice Groups in at least three EVI-approved public Level 1 Courses and three Level 2 Courses as an EMT before approaching an EMCI-TP for mentorship. Courses must be offered to the public so that the EMT is exposed to interests of and questions from a diverse group of learners.

    Estill Voice Training® Application Experience:

    Anyone interested in becoming an EMCI must have years of experience using Estill Voice Training® in their professional life as a performer, teacher, professor, instructor, conductor, coach, researcher, and/or speech-language therapist.

    Find an EMCI-TP Mentor:

    The EMT must find an EMCI-TP willing to serve as his/her Mentor for the EMCI certification process. This may be an EMCI who has mentored the EMT in the past or a new one.


    It is suggested that the applicant for EMCI completes the Phase 1 testing and Phase 2 observations within 5 years of EMCI-C Application Portfolio approval. An extension may be requested in writing at


    Scope of Certification:

    EMCIs are permitted to present EVT Level 1 and Level 2 Courses to the public, as well as any level of Workshop*. They are also expected to coach and mentor those interested in certification. EMCIs are encouraged to present on EVT topics and applications at scientific and professional conferences (as a courtesy, EVI requests notification of Estill-related presentations at conferences so that these events can be announced on and promoted through EVI’s social media platforms). EMCIs can serve as designated Mentors for individuals preparing for EFP and serve as Phase 2 Observers for EMT- and EMCI-Candidates. EMCIs are also permitted to administer EFP Voiceprint Examinations, provided they are familiar with the storage of Estill Voiceprint Plus™ inventories and submit their first 3 protocols for review by an EMCI-ATP.

    *All new EMCIs should carefully review the Course Operating Manual for special conditions applying to Certification and Online Workshops.

    EVT Community Participation:

    EMCIs are expected to take leadership roles within the EVT Community and to serve as role models for the social and professional behaviors outlined in our Core Values & Practice Standards. They are expected to participate in the certification program’s continuous quality improvement through participation on committees, responses to surveys, feedback in product development, etc.

    E-Updates (Estill Updates): Click for complete archive

    The EMCI will automatically receive E-Updates from EVI that contain information pertinent to certified members of the EVT community. EMCIs are responsible for making sure the email associated with their My Trainer and Certification Center account is accurate. EMCIs should not unsubscribe an email address from E-Updates without providing EVI with a new email address first.

    My Trainer Center and Certification Center Access:

    The EMCI has access to Resources in the My Trainer Center not available to them as EMTs. These pages include links to logos and “bugs”, Course Posting Forms, Introduction Workshop and Course Presentation materials, as well as the Trainer Store. In the Certification Center, individuals who have earned the EMCI can print out their certificates, pay their annual fees, download forms for mentoring and observation purposes, and learn more about the EMCI Testing Privileges. Access will continue for so long as the EMCI remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.

    EVT Product Discounts:

    The EMCI may purchase EVT teaching materials from the Trainer Store, many at a discount. These products can be resold at courses and in the private studio. EMCIs are encouraged to order well in advance of course start dates to reduce shipping costs.

    Listing on

    Each EMCI is given a page on accessible through the instructor search function. The EMCI can control content on this page through the “My Profile” page in the Community Extranet. Display of this page will continue for so long as the EMCI remains actively affiliated with Estill Voice International by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.

    Professional Promotion:

    Once a person has been certified at any level, they have the right to list that certification in curriculum vitae and promotional biographical descriptions. EMCIs are senior members of the EVT Community and as such are encouraged to advertise and promote themselves and Estill Voice Training®. EVT Logos and Certification badges are available in the Promotion section of the Trainer Resources for use in either print or web-based media. If an EMCI has a business/personal website, they must acknowledge EVT Certification on the website and display the EVT logo with a link back to EMCIs are encouraged to contribute to EVI’s Social Media platforms. Please note: “Estill”, “EVT”, and/or “EVC” (Estill Voice Craft) may not appear in business names, email addresses, nor in website domain names, nor in the titles of social media accounts that function as support or a substitute for a personal or business website.

    Voting Privileges:

    The EMCI is permitted to nominate and vote for members of the EVT Certification Advisory Board. In addition, EMCIs are permitted to nominate candidates for the Estill Lifetime Achievement Award (ELAA).

    EVT Certification Advisory Board Eligibility:

    EMCIs are eligible for nomination to the EVT Certification Advisory Board. Elections are held every two years in the month leading up to the Estill World Voice Symposium. Members of the EVT Certification Advisory Board Members serve four-year terms. Of the six positions on the Board, three are filled in each election. At least four EMCIs serve on the Board at all times.


    Annual Fees:

    The annual fee supports Estill Voice International and the platforms and staff that maintain the EMCI’s accounts in the EVT Extranet and Certification Center. Renewal of the Certification Agreement at time of payment affirms the EMCI’s active support of the Estill Voice Training® Community. EMCI privileges are withdrawn when active affiliation is not maintained. Only EMCIs who actively promote Estill Voice Training® and support the mission of Estill Voice International are eligible for special privileges.

    Certification Term & Continuing Education:

    EMCIs must stay up-to-date with new developments in Estill Voice Training®. EMCIs are required to attend at least one Estill World Voice Symposium in every 6 year period following the effective date of EMCI certification and to fulfill additional continuing education requirements as determined by the EVT Certification Advisory Board. At a minimum, EMCIs should plan to attend EMCI Meetings on the day following the close of the EWVS in person or via video conference and complete mandatory procedural update courses as they occur. Additional activities may be assigned, such as periodic submission of Voiceprint Protocols, videos from course presentations, etc. The EVT Certification Advisory Board can choose to grant continuing education credit for active contributions to the EVT Community, such as organizing regional Summit Meetings, developing online courses on advanced topics, participation in translation projects, developing new teaching materials, etc. When there is a mandatory update activity, it will be featured in an E-Update. It is the EMCI’s responsibility to make sure that the email associated with their Extranet and Certification Center accounts is active and to read E-Updates and watch for these announcements. Certification privileges will be withdrawn from EMCIs who do not fulfill mandatory continuing education activities.

    Obligations to Colleagues and EVI:

    Each year when EMCIs pay their annual fees, they also renew their Certification Agreement with EVI. This agreement stipulates that EMCIs will accurately represent their certification level and respect EVI’s intellectual property rights. In addition, EMCIs will agree to conform to the EVT Community’s Core Values & Practice Standards for professional conduct and relationships with colleagues. As representatives of Estill Voice Training® in the world, they are further advised to exercise caution in posting content to social media visible to the public that might violate their Certification Agreement.

    Overview of all Fees associated with the EMCI Process

    All fees payable to EVI and the fee minimums suggested for examiners and observers can be found in the Certification-at-a-Glance.

    EMCI Testing Registration:

    This fee, payable to EVI, registers an individual’s intention to examine for EMCI and upgrades their EVT Extranet and Certification Center accounts.

    Coaching Fees:

    All coaching fees are payable to the EMCIs involved. Per EVI policy, these fees should be discussed and agreed upon in advance.

    EMCI Phase 1 Examination Administration Fee:

    Payable to the Estill Mentor and Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges who oversees these examinations, EVI sets a minimum for these fees. If re-testing is required, additional fees will be charged. EVI requires its EMCI-ATPs to communicate their examination & re-examination fees in advance.

    EMCI Phase 2 Teaching Observation Fees:

    Payable to EMCI observers, these fees may vary by region and with observation setting, be it a live observation in public courses or an alternative arrangement. All fees should be discussed and agreed upon well in advance.

    Annual Fee:

    Upon certification, an annual fee is due to EVI. This fee maintains EMCI accounts in the EVT Community Extranet and Certification Center and supports Estill Voice International in its mission. Each year the EMCI will be invoiced for the upcoming year’s annual fee on the anniversary of certification activation. Annual fees associated with advancement to a new level of certification during any year will be prorated. If fee payments are more than 30 days past due, accounts will be deactivated and EMCI’s page on the website removed. To return to active membership in the EVT Community and restore account access, the EMCI will be required to pay all outstanding annual fees and a re-activation service charge.

  • EMCI-C Application Portfolio Guidelines

    Application Portfolio Preparation

    The following guidelines have been developed to assist both EMTs and EMCI-TP Mentors in determining suitability and readiness to pursue this level of certification. An Application Portfolio must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by an EMCI Application Review Committee appointed by EVI and the Certification Advisory Board before the EMT registers for Phase 1 Testing. There are 4 components in the Application Portfolio:

    1. Curriculum Vitae
    2. References from two EMCIs
    3. Estill Voiceprint Plus™ EMT Protocol Recording
    4. Letter of Intent

    Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    Work on this component can begin at any time. CV preparation serves as a self-assessment of readiness and can be given to EMCI advisors and potential EMCI-TP Mentors to inform their advice and counsel. The CV must include:

    • Formal training & Professional Experience
    • EVT Educational & Promotional Experience
    • Pertinent Experience outside of Estill

    Refer to the CV Preparation Worksheet to assist in your CV preparation.

    Formal Training and Professional Experience:

    • Artist’s Diploma or similar certificate for successful completion of 1, 2, or 3 year programs from Conservatory or tertiary (post high school) performance training program
    • Academic Degree (3-4 year Bachelor’s Degree or similar) from a college or university with a major within the departments of Music, Drama/Theatre, Communication Disorders, or Communication Sciences
    • Advanced degree (master’s, doctorate) from a college or university with a major within the departments of Music, Drama/Theatre, Communication Disorders, or Communication Sciences
    • Professional practice in a school, tertiary educational institution, college, university, conservatory, private studio, hospital, or clinic, as a studio teacher, classroom instructor, or speech-language therapist.
    • Presentations and Workshops on Estill and non-Estill topics at conferences and symposia.
    • Supervisory or Management Experience in professional or volunteer settings (e.g. implementation of training programs or annual reviews, service on curriculum or governing committees, advisory boards, etc.).

    EVT Educational & Promotional Experiences:

    • This list should be chronological. Indicate whether you attended as a student, as a small group leader, or as a producer of the course or workshop. Include Estill World Voice Symposiums and Regional Summits.
    • Include EVT Courses you have taught as an EMT in an Educational Affiliate or similar classroom setting with EVI Approval and under supervision of an EMCI. Report setting, supervising EMCI, number of years/semesters/levels taught.
    • Private Teaching/Coaching of EVT students: list the number of students who have completed the curriculum content of Level 1 or Two Workbooks with you and the number of students you have coached in preparation for their Estill Voiceprint Plus™ certification testing protocols.
    • Participation as an Estill Research Subject: list dates, investigators, and brief description of project.
    • Other Estill Support Services: include a list or paragraph that presents contributions to Jo Estill’s mission such as: serving on an EWVS Organizing Committee, working on translation projects, etc.

    Relevant Experience outside of Estill:

    List any experiences that would support your application but did not fit into the categories above. Consider the following and any other special skills or education:

    • Do you speak multiple languages?
    • Are you a sound engineer?
    • Have you worked on a televised/internet voice competition?
    • Are you trained in or qualified as an instructor in any form of body or voice work that informs you in principles of motor training or allows you to provide informed answers to questions about how EVT might compare to the ___ (fill in the blank) technique/method/approach?

    References from two EMCIs

    The Applicant requests Reference Ratings from 2 EMCIs. Reference Rating Form. The Reference Rating Form is submitted directly to EVI and the score is kept confidential. Applicants are rated on a 5-point scale (5 is the high end) for each of the following:

    1. Skill in modeling Estill Figures and Qualities.
    2. Skill in presenting/reviewing Estill content.
    3. Skill in identifying challenges during individual and group practice.
    4. Skill in providing effective feedback and practice options to meet challenges in individual and group practice.
    5. Interpersonal skills and professional demeanor.
    6. Professional experience in artistic (performance), clinical, academic, or corporate settings.
    7. Professional experience applying Estill Voice Training® in artistic (performance), clinical, academic, or corporate settings.
    8. Overall assessment of this individual’s potential to meet our standards for EMCI.
    9. Assessment of this individual’s readiness for Phase One EMCI Examinations.
    10. I have reviewed & approved this applicant’s Portfolio, including Voiceprint Inventory, prior to submission to the Certification Advisory Board – YES or NO (Only one rater must review the Portfolio before submission; however, both are encouraged to take part in the applicant's Portfolio creation.)

    There is also a place for comments.

    The ratings must produce an average score of 4.0 or above.

    If the average score is NOT MET, the reference raters will be consulted before any further review takes place. The scores and text from individual reference forms will be kept confidential; however, the accepted or rejected results of the combined score will be shared with the Mentor and applicant.

    Estill Voiceprint Plus™ EMT Protocol Recording

    Applicants must make a new set of recordings and correctly submit the Inventory File.  Empty files, incorrectly numbered files, and recording level settings that are too high or too low will not be accepted.  EMCI-TP Mentors must approve the new set of recordings prior to submission to EVI & CAB.

    EMT Voiceprint Testing Protocol:  Voiceprints should meet EMT standards and show potential for EMCI level.  An EMCI-C is expected to model and demonstrate the Voiceprint tasks with clarity and precision, without the strong presence of Attractor States in speaking & singing.

    The review committee completes the following steps after receiving the recordings:

    1. Each reviewer listens and comments individually.
    2. Reviewers meet to compare notes/feedback.
    3. Prepare a document with combined comments. (Thorough and encouraging feedback is paramount. Imagine if it were you or your student who will be reading the comments. Comments should reflect the current status of Estill Voice Training® and not judge the direction in which the theoretic Estill Voice Model may evolve. Reviewers should be clear and use Estill-based terminology focusing on Craft rather than artistic or biased opinions.)
    4. Send feedback on the entire Portfolio to EVI Support Specialist.

    If the review committee assesses any part of the Portfolio, including Voiceprint Inventory, as inconclusive, a third party (Director, President of EVI, or President of CAB) may be recruited by the EVI Support Specialist to assist in making a decision.

    Voiceprint Inventory must be resubmitted if:

    1. An EMCI-TP Mentor has not approved the Inventory prior to Portfolio submission.
    2. Recording levels are not set appropriately and hinder an objective assessment.
    3. Recordings are missing, cut off, or tasks are not complete.

    If any of the tasks in the Voiceprint Feedback Form are rated “RE-DO”, the applicant must submit new recordings to the Mentor for approval before moving on to Phase 1 Exams. The Mentor must communicate to the Director that the “RE-DO” tasks meet the required standards. The applicant must send the new recordings to the Director at Re-submissions are not sent to the review committee again.

    Re-submission of Voiceprint Inventory is reviewed by Mentor and EVI only.

    Letter of Intent

    The EMT must send a formal declaration of intent to pursue EMCI status to EVI & the CAB, naming the EMCI-TP who will serve as Mentor, and presenting a summary of experience in support of their application. Letter should be truthful and reflect the Applicant’s motivation and commitment to Estill Voice Training®. Allowances will be made if English is not the Applicant’s primary language. Special circumstances and vocal health history should be included when necessary.

    Application Portfolio Submission and Review Process

    • Applicant submits a Curriculum Vitae, Estill Voiceprint Plus EMT Inventory, and Letter of Intent to their Mentor for approval. (following guidelines in Certification Manual, 5.2)
    • Applicant requests Reference Ratings from 2 EMCIs.Rating form is available to EMCIs in Trainer Resource Center in Certification/Preparation.  At least one EMCI submitting a reference must approve the EMT Voiceprint Inventory prior to application submission.  They must answer YES to approval in the reference rating form.  Ratings are exported to the EVI Support Specialist at and shared with the current CAB President.
    • Applicant pays the Application Fee in the Certification Center and an EMCI-C application portfolio progress tracker is automatically created.
    • Applicant submits Portfolio including a Curriculum Vitae, Estill Voiceprint Plus EMT Inventory, and Letter of Intent to via Google Drive or WeTransfer.
    • EVI Support Specialist notifies the applicant, EMCI-TP Mentor, and CAB President when all materials and payment have been submitted and the Application Review process has begun.
    • Application Reviewers will process Portfolios on a quarterly basis.  Application Portfolios can be submitted at any time; however, to qualify for review in the current quarter they must be complete in accordance with the submission schedule.
      • Portfolios submitted by January 15 will be processed no later than February 28.
      • Portfolios submitted by April 15 will be processed no later than May 31.
      • Portfolios submitted by July 15 will be processed no later than August 31.
      • Portfolios submitted by October 15 will be processed no later than November 30.
    • Applicant, EMCI-TP Mentor & CAB President will be notified of results of the Application Review. Accepted Portfolio feedback will be sent to both Mentor and applicant.
    • If an application is not accepted based on deficiencies in any area, constructive feedback and a timeline for re-submission will be provided to the Mentor. The Mentor is responsible for relaying the feedback to the applicant and meeting deadlines. Re-submissions follow the quarterly schedule above and must be approved by the Mentor in writing to Applicant sends re-submissions to once Mentor has given approval.
    • An applicant may re-submit Portfolio items up to 3 times.
  • EMCI Phase 1 Exams

    Phase 1 Examinations

    There are 3 formal examinations administered by an EMCI-ATP:

    1) Article Critique

    2) Written Exam

    3) Oral Exam

    At least one additional EMCI-TP will participate in the Oral Exam. Upon successful completion of Phase 1 Examinations, the EMCI applicant is considered an “EMCI-Candidate (EMCI-C)” and may begin Phase 2.

    Preparation for Phase 1 Exams

    Download the EMCI Study Guide from the Trainer Resources.

    Careful Study of Estill Voice Training® Source and Curriculum Materials:

    The EMT considering pursuit of EMCI must prepare for Phase 1 Examinations by studying the content of the Course Instruction Manual (for its presentation notes and the Research Videos included with its purchase), The Estill Voice Model: Theory and Translation, The Estill Papers, and “In Her Own Words”. The first 3 items in this list are all available in the Trainer Store in “My Trainer Center” on “In Her Own Words” is available on It is assumed that the EMT owns the latest versions of Estill Voiceprint Plus™ , Figures in a Flash, and the Estill Training Videos (from During the EMCI examinations, EMTs will be expected to integrate knowledge of Jo Estill’s research and the development of EVT in their responses. Advanced Workshops on the research and development of the Estill Voice Model are recommended.

    Study Unfamiliar Topics Related to EVT Application:

    The EMT presenting for EMCI testing must have some musical skill and familiarity with music history and musical styles. In addition, they must be familiar with common concepts from Vocal Pedagogy, Singing and/or Acting Voice Performance Practice, Anatomy of Head & Neck, Hearing Science, Speech Science, Phonetics, and Voice Disorders. The EMCI applicant must be prepared to answer questions from individuals with expertise in each of the areas listed who might be attending an EVT course. Advanced Workshops on these topics are recommended.

    Register for EMCI Testing:

    When the EMT and Mentor judge the applicant to be ready for the Phase 1 Examinations, the EMT should log-in to the Certification Center and select “Register for EMCI Testing”. The current EMCI Testing Registration Fee is reported in the Certification-at-a-Glance. The name of the EMCI-TP Mentor is reported in the process of paying this fee. Payment of the Testing Registration Fee to Estill Voice International completes registration and establishes access to Resources in the EMT’s My Trainer Center to guide preparation, and new progress trackers accessible from both the applicant’s and Mentor’s Certification Center home pages.

    Schedule Phase 1 Examinations:

    Phase 1 Examinations must be administered by an EMCI-ATP. If the Mentor does not hold this level of certification, another examiner must be found. A listing of EMCI-ATPs is available on At least one additional EMCI-TP will be involved in the examination process, participating in the Oral Examination. It is expected but not required that the Mentor be part of this testing team. If the Mentor is not part of the examination team, the lead EMCI-ATP will have to coordinate with the Mentor for Certification Center entry of examination date and results for Phase 1 Examinations.

    EMCI Phase 1 Examination Fees:

    Examination fees are payable to the EMCI-ATP and any other EMCI-TPs involved in exam administration. EVI sets a minimum for examination fees. These minimum amounts are reported in the Certification-at-a-Glance. If re-testing is required, additional fees will be charged. EVI requires its EMCI-TPs to communicate their examination & re-examination fees in advance of testing.

    EMCI Phase 1 Examination Administration

    1) Article Critique

    At least two weeks prior to the scheduled testing, the EMCI-ATP in charge of Phase 1 testing will give the applicant a current or historically significant article dealing with voice science, vocal health, and/or vocal pedagogy. The article may be in any language known to the candidate and should be decided upon prior to assignment. The applicant must write a 2-page essay (single spaced) critiquing the article from an Estill Voice Model perspective. The following questions should be considered while writing the critique:

    • What is the author proposing?
    • How does this translate into Estill Voice Model terminology?
    • How would the Estill Voice Model argue for or against the concepts the author presents?

    Up to 20 points are earned based on the following criteria:

    • Assessment of key points in article (5)
    • Estill Voice Model integration and references (5)
    • Accuracy (5)
    • Clarity and effectiveness of argument and discussion (5)

    If fewer than 15 points are earned, the applicant must re-write the Article Critique.

    2) Written Exam

    This exam includes multiple choice, identification, short answer, and essay questions. Scoring is objective. Applicants must re-take the exam if score is lower than 90%.

    3) Oral Exam

    During this exam, the applicant is presented with a wide range of questions. To ensure the fairest appraisal of the applicant’s performance, the Oral Exam is administered and scored by 2 or more EMCIs – the lead EMCI-ATP and at least one other at the EMCI-TP level or above. Up to 20 points are earned based on the following criteria:
    • accuracy (8)
    • clarity and brevity (8)
    • composure and connection (4)

    If fewer than 15 points are earned, the applicant must re-take the Oral Exam.

    Standard Testing Conditions:

    The Article Critique is a “take home exam” assigned 2 weeks before the Written Exam. Applicants are permitted to consult reference materials as appropriate. The Written Exam must be given in a quiet and distraction-free setting with no access to notes. Scheduling should provide the applicant all the time needed to write the exam; there is no time limit. The oral exam is often scheduled on the date of the Written Exam, but this is not a rule. Typically, the oral exam takes less than an hour. To meet the additional examiner requirement for the oral exam, web-based video conferencing platforms may be used.

    Remote Testing Conditions:

    With special training from EVI an EMCI can administer this exam over the internet via video conferencing when the logistics and expense of face-to-face testing are prohibitive. High quality video and audio internet connections are assumed. During the written exam, a proctor must open the exam envelope, remain in the room while the exam is being written, maintain internet contact with the lead examiner for any questions that might arise, and seal and return the exam once it has been completed. Proctor fees should also be agreed upon in advance of testing. See Remote Testing Guidelines for more information.

    Re-examination Policies:

    The applicant will be given an opportunity to repeat any component of the Phase 1 testing that was not passed. The applicant will be expected to negotiate scheduling and fees for any repeat testing with the examining EMCI-ATP.

    Time Limit: If Phase 1 testing is not successfully completed within a year of the originally scheduled testing date, the certification applicant must re-sit all testing elements of Phase 1 as if they were a new applicant. Under special circumstances an appeal may be made to EVI & the Certification Advisory Board at

    Conclusion of Phase 1 testing and change of status to EMCI-C:

    The EMCI-TP Mentor reports successful completion of EMCI Phase 1 Exams in their “My Testing Center”, coordinating with the lead examiner, if Mentor and Examiner are not the same person. This action upgrades the EMT’s status to EMCI-C. The Certification Center database will automatically update the progress tracking forms to an observation tracking grid that will appear on the EMCI-C’s “Progress Tracker”, in the EMCI-TP Mentor’s “My Testing Center”, and in the “Certification Candidate Directory” visible to all EMCIs. There are no Certification Center fees associated with this upgrade.

  • EMCI Phase 2 Observations


    During Phase 2, the EMCI-C will be observed successfully presenting the 28 components of the EVT course curriculum (lectures, demonstrations, EVPP, endoscopy videos, audio samples, and open coachings) to a diverse group of individuals new to Estill Voice Training®. EMCI-Cs presenting in public courses should participate in all aspects of course production; however, they may not teach more than one third of a public course’s content.

    The Phase 2 Observations are similar to Phase 2 of the EMT process to the extent that EMCI-Cs must be observed by at least 2 EMCIs as they successfully present each of the 28 components of the EVT curriculum, including Open Coaching sessions. However, the process is more demanding since the EMCI-C is expected to smoothly integrate presentation slides, group exercises, Hand Signals, videos, Estill Voiceprint Plus™ , anatomical models, the Make & Move Larynx, and any other learning aides they deem useful. It is recommended that the first observation be with the EMCI-C’s Mentor. At least two EMCIs must observe the EMCI-C and report passing observations in the Certification Center database. EMCIs of any level are qualified to observe EMCI-Cs. Because EMCI-Cs are expected to assist in aspects of course production they should download and review the Course Operating Manual.

    Requirements & Expectations

    Passing Phase 2 Observations:

    Only one pass per element is required to complete the Phase 2 Presentation Observation requirement; however, additional passing observations may be required to meet the Additional Observer requirement described below.

    Additional Observer Requirement:

    At a minimum, passing observations of at least 4 Level 1 Figures and 2 Level 2 Qualities must be recorded by an EMCI or combination of EMCIs other than the Mentor assumed to be the primary observer.

    Course Observation Requirement:

    Because an EMCI is expected to present to diverse groups of students with wide ranging experiences and interests, a portion of observations must be within the context of public EVT courses. EMCI-Cs presenting on a public course should participate in all aspects of course production; however, they may not teach more than one third of any course’s content. EMCI-Cs may participate in more than one third of Open Coachings. The EMCI-C must participate in at least 2 Level 1 and 2 Level 2 courses open to the public under these conditions. These courses may be on location or online. It is recommended but not required that these courses be led by different EMCIs.

    “Other Setting” Observation Requirements:

    If conditions of a public course are replicated in a private setting (a classroom full of students new to Estill who have diverse experience and interests), observations of a private presentation, online or on-location, can be used to meet the observation requirement. These presentations may be observed live or via high quality video recording. Videos may be submitted; however, students volunteering to participate in the presentations must understand that they are taking the course with a “student teacher” and will not receive Attendance Certificates for their participation unless the entire curriculum is presented with live supervision of an EMCI willing to attest that the experience merits an Attendance Certificate.

    Videos submitted for Observation credit are subject to the following conditions:

    • Mentors must be informed of every Video and the EMCI to whom the video is sent
    • Passed videos from a previous course or private session may not be re-submitted to another EMCI to meet the additional observer requirement
    • A video that does not “pass” may not be re-submitted to another EMCI

    Videos can be rejected if:

    • General audio and video quality are poor
    • The particulars of set-up and camera placement do not provide a good view of presentation and participant activities and/or render them inaudible
    • If the observing EMCI judges that the assembled participants do not present an opportunity for the EMCI-C to convincingly demonstrate their presentation skills (e.g. no questions are asked, all appear to have extensive past experience with Estill Voice Training®).

    General Expectations:

    EMCI-Cs must be observed successfully presenting every segment taught in EVT Level 1 (Figures for Voice Control™) and Level 2 (Figure Combinations for Six Voice Qualities™) courses. EMCI-Cs are expected to reinforce and model EVT concepts and exercises, to offer accurate answers to participant questions, and manage presentation time wisely. When presenting on a course with an unfamiliar EMCI, the EMCI-C is advised to request a meeting well in advance to become acquainted with that EMCI’s preferences (e.g. is there a time limit for audio/video clips, are Figures presented in an unusual order?).

    Observation Fees and Expenses:

    Whether an EMCI-C is presenting in an EVI-approved course or alternative classroom setting, observation fees will be charged. The EMCI-C and observing EMCI should discuss and agree upon all observation fees in advance. These fees are determined by individual EMCIs (not EVI) and may vary by region. EMCI-Cs are responsible for all travel, lodging, and meal expenses. Fee minimums/guidelines can be found in the Certification-at-a-Glance.


    It is suggested that the applicant for EMCI completes the Phase 1 testing and Phase 2 observation phases within 5 years of EMCI-C Application Portfolio approval. An extension may be requested in writing at

    There is no specific time limit to Phase 2. Typically, completion of Phase 2 Observations requires one to two years. Variables include preparation, prior experience in presentations with required educational technologies, and course availability.


    The EMCI-C is well-advised to practice under conditions that recreate the media juggling demands of the course presentation. Although experienced EMCIs have well-developed personal presentation styles and may stress certain aspects of the curriculum over others, the EMCI-C is encouraged to “go by the book” (Course Instruction Manual). Course Presentation PDFs and Research and Training Video clips in PowerPoint are available for download to the EMCI-C in My Trainer Center/Resources/Courses/Presentation. As with the EMT Observations, sample videos for coaching feedback in advance of public course presentations are advised. Coaching fees should be discussed and agreed upon in advance.

    Scheduling Observations:

    When the EMCI-C feels they are ready to be observed presenting the Figures for Voice Control™ and Six Voice Qualities in a course setting, they should find an EMCI willing to observe as the EMCI-C presents a portion of the course. It is recommended that the first observation experience be with the EMCI-ATP or Provisional ATP Mentor, but this is not a requirement. The EMCI-C will incur travel and lodging expenses as well as observation fees. All observation fees are determined by individual EMCIs and should be disclosed and agreed upon prior to the scheduling of any observations. Application does not guarantee participation.

    The EMCI Observation Packet:

    Download the EMCI Observation Packet.

    This packet contains assessment guidelines and samples of the forms used to document an EMCI-C’s progress through Phase 2.

    Evaluation & Pass Criteria:

    The presentation of each concept, Figure, Quality, and Open Coaching will be evaluated using the following ratings: below expectations, meets expectations, or exceeds expectations. Ratings for Accuracy, Connection, and Effectiveness during presentation and coaching must all “meet” or “exceed” expectations to “pass” as competent to teach the concept, Figure, or Quality. EMCI-Cs may have to repeat elements to earn a “pass”. The EMCI-C is responsible for checking in with the EMCI Observer in advance to become familiar with each EMCI’s expectations.

    Documentation of Progress:

    Progress through Phase 2 Course Observations is tracked via the Observation Feedback Forms, Transcript and entries into the candidate’s Progress Tracker in the Certification Center. Although the ultimate completion of this process is electronic, the EMCI-C is required to save paper copies for verification and back-up.

    Observation Feedback Forms:

    EMCI observers must complete a Feedback Form for every session observed. This form is available in the “EMCI Phase 2 Observation Packet” and Resources in both the EMCI’s and EMT-C’s My Trainer Centers. Interim verbal feedback will be given to the EMCI-C presenting during courses as soon as possible so that suggestions for improvement can be integrated in subsequent presentations. EMCI’s must complete the Feedback Forms and discuss results within one week of the presentation session. The EMCI-C must sign each form to confirm that they understand and agree to the rating. EMCI-Cs must save and securely store copies of this form from every observation. It is the EMCI-Cs responsibility to share results with their EMCI-TP Mentor and to provide copies to EVI upon request.

    Observation Transcript:

    This form maintains the EMCI-C’s record of all observations during Phase 2. This form should be scanned and submitted to observing EMCIs in advance of course or video observations. EMCI-Cs should bring a print-out of this form to courses so that all observing EMCIs can report results. The EMCI will initial and indicate the setting, date, and results of each set of observations. In the case of video observations, the EMCI will complete the form and scan a copy back to the EMCI-C. It is the EMCI-Cs responsibility to save updated copies of this form.

    Certification Center Progress Tracker:

    Successful (“passed”) observations are also tracked in the Certification Center. This grid appears in three places: the EMCI-C’s ”My Progress Tracker”, the EMCI-TP’s “My Testing Center”, and the “Certification Candidate Directory” visible to all EMCIs. Observing EMCIs must record passing observations in the tracking grid within one week of Feedback review with EMCI-C. The EMCI-C should confirm that these passes have been registered by consulting their “My Progress Tracker”.

    Finalizing Estill Mentor and Course Instructor Status

    The EMCI Registration process should be completed by the EMCI-C and their EMCI-TP Mentor as soon as possible following the final observation. In some cases, this will involve coordination between the final EMCI Observer and the EMCI-TP Mentor. Because of the complexity of this process, the EMCI-C and EMCI-TP Mentor are given up to 30 days from the date of final observation to complete this process. The following procedures should be followed:

    1) Review Successful Completion of Phase 2 Presentation Observations:

    The EMCI-C must provide the EMCI-TP Mentor with a copy of the completed Observation Transcript so that the EMCI-TP Mentor can confirm that successful observations are recorded for all 28 elements; that at least 2 EMCIs have passed observations; and that the minimum public course presentation observation requirement has been met.

    2) Review Scope of Certification:

    Once the EMCI-TP confirms completion of all requirements, Mentor and new EMCI will review the Scope of EMCI Certification including new resources, Level 1 & 2 teaching privileges, and Mentor duties.

    3) Complete EMCI Registration:

    The EMCI-TP Mentor checks the box (and saves changes) reporting that all requirements have be met from their “My Testing Center” in the Certification Center. This step makes changes in the new EMCI’s Certification Center account.

    When the newly passed EMCI signs into the Certification Center, the home page will display a prompt to upgrade certification status. The new EMCI will be asked to indicate acceptance of terms in the Certification Letter of Agreement and to pay a pro-rated EMCI annual fee.

    4) EMCI Certificate and Posting:

    Completion of the EMCI registration process updates both Certification Center and My Trainer Center accounts and activates the EMCIs page on EMCIs can print EMCI Certificates from their home page in the Certification Center. The EMCI must go to “My Profile” in the My Trainer Center drop-down menu to edit contact information, add biographical notes, add an image (.gif or .jpg, sized for web), and to set the privacy policies at the bottom of the form to control the contact information appearing to the public. Access will continue so long as the EMCI remains active within the EVT Community by renewing the Certification Agreement and paying the annual fee.

  • EMCI Testing Privileges

    An Estill Mentor is a trusted, experienced, encouraging advisor that guides applicants for Estill Trainer Certification through the process from beginning to end.  Often Estill Mentors are called upon for more than one level of Trainer Certification with the same applicant.   The relationship between Mentor and applicant is a personal and professional one and is respected by EVI.  Mentoring as an EMCI is not an open ended expectation. Individual boundaries should be set by each Estill Mentor at the start of every new Mentorship. There is, however, an expectation that Estill Mentors, with respect to their own boundaries, continue to encourage, foster the vision of the EVI, and assist the greater Trainer Community in upholding Core Values & Practice Standards after Certification is complete.

    As Estill Mentors, EMCIs contribute to the Estill Voice Training® Community by participating in the development and implementation of the EVT Certification Program. All EMCIs are qualified to test applicants for Estill Figure Proficiency; although they must submit their first 3 protocols for review and approval by an EMCI with Testing Privileges (TP) or Advanced Testing Privileges (ATP). EMCIs can elect to acquire the additional training necessary to administer the Phase 1 Exams for EMT and EMCI. Pursuing these qualifications is a privilege and not an obligation.

    Testing Privileges Overview

    The EMCI who earns Testing Privileges becomes an EMCI-TP. EMCI-TPs can administer the EMT Phase 1 Exams and serve as Mentor to individuals preparing for both EMT and EMCI certification.


    • 3 years of active participation in course production and certification training
    • Consistently teach at least two Level 1 & 2 courses per year
    • Trained and successfully examined at least 3 EFPs


    • Find an EMCI-ATP Mentor
    • Apply for Testing Privileges from EVI and the CAB
    • Pay the Testing Privileges Application Fee in the Certification Center
    • Once approved, the EMCI will receive provisional EMCI-TP status while completing a tutorial authorized by EVI with their EMCI-ATP Mentor.
    • During the Testing Privileges training period, the provisional EMCI-TP can accept EFPs for EMT mentoring and testing; however, they must disclose that examination results are preliminary until reviewed and approved by their EMCI-ATP Mentor. As needed, the EMCI-ATP Mentor can require re-administration of Phase 1 Exams. The EMT applicant must choose their Mentor’s EMCI-ATP as their registered Mentor when paying their EMT phase 1 testing fee.
    • Testing Privileges are provisional until the first 3 sets of EMT Phase 1 Exams have been successfully passed.


    EMCI-TPs will be required to participate in Testing Privilege Updates and educational activities once every two years or upon notification from EVI when certification processes undergo significant revision.

    Advanced Testing Privileges Overview

    The EMCI with Advanced Testing Privileges (ATP) can serve as designated Mentor and administer exams for any level of certification, including EMCI. EMCIs with ATP can also mentor and train EMCI colleagues to qualify for all levels of Testing Privileges.


    • 5 years of active service as an EMCI-TP
    • Continued teaching of at least two Level 1 & 2 courses per year
    • Already examined at least 6 individuals seeking EMT certification


    • Find an EMCI-ATP Mentor
    • Apply for Advanced Testing Privileges from EVI and the CAB
    • Pay the Advanced Testing Privileges Application Fee in the Certification Center
    • Once approved, the EMCI will be given provisional EMCI-ATP status while completing a training program authorized by EVI with their EMCI-ATP Mentor
    • During the ATP training period, the new EMCI-ATP can accept EMTs for EMCI mentoring and testing; however, new EMCI-ATPs must disclose that examination results are preliminary until reviewed and approved by the EMCI-ATP Mentor. As needed, the EMCI-ATP Mentor can require re-administration of Phase 1 Exams. The EMCI applicant must choose their Mentor’s EMCI-ATP as their registered Mentor when paying their EMCI phase 1 testing fee.
    • Advanced Testing Privileges are provisional until the first 3 sets of EMCI Phase 1 Exams have been successfully passed.


    EMCI-ATPs will be required to participate in Advanced Testing Privileges Update activities once every two years or upon notification from EVI when certification processes undergo significant revision.

  • Estill Educational Affiliate (EEA)


    Certified EMTs and EMCIs who teach at academic institutions are encouraged to integrate Estill Voice Training® into their institution’s curriculum with the purchase and use of EVT teaching materials. They are expected to list their EVT credentials in faculty biographies.

    Estill Educational Affiliate (EEA) status is reserved for academic institutions and businesses that recognize the value of Estill Voice Training® instruction and identify Estill Voice Training® as an official component of their curriculum and practice by inclusion of certified Trainers on staff, Level 1 & 2 Courses, use of “Estill Voice Training®” in titles and/or descriptions within their Course Catalog, and use of the Estill Voice Training® logo in website and other promotional materials.

    Estill Voice International staunchly supports academic freedom and does not ask EEAs to exclude other pedagogical approaches that benefit their students.

    Requirements (Updated December 2023)

    Eligibility & Curriculum:

    EEA is available to the following educational institutions and businesses that offer Estill Voice Training® as an official component of their curriculum:

    • University or college of higher education
    • Community music school, Academy or Training Center
    • Speech & Hearing Clinic
    • Private Therapy Practice with 2 or more associates on staff
    • Registered business with 2 or more associates on staff


    An EEA must have at least 1 EMCI or 2 EMTs in good standing on faculty/staff.

    Institutional Support:

    The administration of the institution must support the application for EEA status and agree to approve inclusion of references to “Estill Voice Training®” in course catalogs, promotional materials, and Institute websites.

    EVT Course Content:

    The EEA must offer EVT instruction that duplicates the content and learning activities of official Level 1 & 2 Courses, including the use of Foundations of Estill Voice Training®, Course Presentation Slides, Course Workbooks, Estill Voiceprint Plus™, Research and Training Videos, etc. Students at the EEA will receive course attendance certificates and qualify for course attendance credit toward certification from Estill Voice International when the following conditions are met:

    • Complete Level 1 & 2 Courses are taught by an EMCI or by an EMT with supervision by an EMCI who attests that the complete EVT curriculum has been presented. Supervising EMCIs need not be members of the faculty. Supervision requirements, arrangements and expenses should be agreed upon in advance.
    • Students register through a link from EVI, pay the Resources Fee, enroll in Online Academy courses, and purchase Voiceprint if required by the instructor. Note: Official course materials may be sponsored by the EEA and paid for in advance of student registration (e.g materials fee is already embedded into the student’s tuition fee paid directly to the EEA). Arrangements and invoices for sponsored courses must be made in advance of course posting form submission and approval. Contact for details.

    Benefits (NEW January 2024)

    Benefits of 1 year commitment at time of EEA establishment/renewal

    • Trainers receive yearly 10% discount on certification renewal fee
    • Free Make & Move Larynxes
    • Cross-promotion in websites and social media

    Benefits of 3 year commitment at time of EEA establishment/renewal

    • Trainers receive yearly 10% discount on certification renewal fee
    • Group purchasing discount of 15% off all EVT products used for the EEA institution courses, and may include Online Academy Courses, Resources Fee at time of registration, other supporting EVT texts & products
    • Invoice service for sponsored courses or courses embedded into student tuition
    • Free Make & Move Larynxes
    • Cross-promotion in websites and social media

    Benefits of 5 or more year commitment at time of EEA establishment/renewal

    • Trainers receive yearly 10% discount on renewal fee
    • Group purchasing discount of 20% off all EVT products used for the EEA institution courses, and may include Online Academy Courses, Resources Fee at time of registration, other supporting EVT texts & products
    • Invoice service for sponsored courses or courses embedded into student tuition
    • Free Make & Move Larynxes
    • Cross-promotion in websites and social media

    Terms & Review

    EEA status will be reviewed on a yearly basis. There must be verification that staff and curriculum requirements are being met. Sample review assessments might include: 1) website searches for EMT and EMCI faculty members and reference to EVT in the curriculum and orders of materials; 2) audits of course registrations through the EVT website; 3) purchase of Workbooks and other materials through the course registration process with EVI and/or by order from institutional bookstores.
    Given that the requirements for EEA status, curriculum and faculty at an EEA are all subject to change, sometimes without warning, provisional extension of EEA status will be offered when time is required for corrective curriculum and staff adjustments.

    There are no fees associated with the EEA application process. In order to remain in good standing as an EEA, all certified Trainers on staff must be in good standing and pay their annual Certification Renewal Fee each January.

    Application Process

    Complete the EEA Application Form and submit with all supporting materials to

    The EEA Application requires evidence of strategic institutional planning for implementation of all EEA Requirements.

    EEA Application Submission and Review:

    • EVI will review the application and schedule interviews with the EVT certified personnel.
    • If EVI determines that the academic institution is well-prepared to meet all EEA requirements within the next Academic Year, the Application will be approved.
    • If EVI has reservations or concerns that the academic institution is not prepared to fulfill its commitments as an EEA, feedback will be provided for program building toward a successful re-application in future.

    Contact Corinne Mager, Director of Certification & Courses with EEA questions.